Crash of a Socata TBM-700 in Dundee
Date & Time:
Oct 24, 2003 at 1742 LT
Edinburgh – Dundee
Crew on board:
Crew fatalities:
Pax on board:
Pax fatalities:
Other fatalities:
Total fatalities:
Captain / Total hours on type:
After an uneventful flight from Edinburgh the pilot made a visual approach to Runway 28 (landing distance available 1,400 metres) at Dundee. The pilot reported that the aircraft floated down the runway in the flare and bounced lightly on touchdown. During the bounce the aircraft initially yawed left and then rolled left in a normal pitch attitude with no stall warning. Full right rudder was applied but this was unable to correct the yaw. Power was applied to initiate a go-around, whilst maintaining full right rudder, but the pilot was unable to prevent the left wing from hitting the ground. This caused the aircraft to yaw rapidly to the left bringing one of its wheels into contact with a low wall. The pilot then reduced power and ditched in the River Tay, approximately 10 metres from the shore. The air traffic controllers on duty reported that the aircraft achieved a high nose attitude during the go-around before the left wing dropped and the aircraft veered to the left. The aircraft came to rest with the top of the fuselage out of the water and the pilot and passengers were able to evacuate though the main door and stand on the wing to await rescue by the airport's hovercraft. The hovercraft could only carry two passengers at a time thus the process was delayed resulting in the pilot and passengers suffering from mild hypothermia.
Final Report: