Crash of a Douglas C-118A Liftmaster at McGuire AFB

Date & Time: Mar 31, 1955
Type of aircraft:
Flight Type:
Crew on board:
Crew fatalities:
Pax on board:
Pax fatalities:
Other fatalities:
Total fatalities:
Crashed on landing. There were no casualties but the aircraft was destroyed.

Crash of a Lockheed C-60A-1-LO LodeStar in Teterboro

Date & Time: Jan 5, 1954
Type of aircraft:
Flight Phase:
Flight Type:
Crew on board:
Crew fatalities:
Pax on board:
Pax fatalities:
Other fatalities:
Total fatalities:
At lift off, the right engine failed. The aircraft stalled and crashed. There were no casualties but the airplane owned by Walker P. Inman was destroyed by a post crash fire.
Probable cause:
Failure of the right engine during take off.

Crash of a Douglas DC-6 in Elizabeth: 33 killed

Date & Time: Feb 11, 1952 at 0020 LT
Type of aircraft:
Flight Phase:
Newark – Miami
Flight number:
Crew on board:
Crew fatalities:
Pax on board:
Pax fatalities:
Other fatalities:
Total fatalities:
Captain / Total flying hours:
Captain / Total hours on type:
Copilot / Total flying hours:
Copilot / Total hours on type:
The aircraft involved arrived at New York International Airport, 2 New York, at 2233, February 10, 1952, as Flight 402 from Miami, Florida This flight was routine, with stops at West Palm Beach, Florida, and Washington, D C. A turn-around inspection at Idlewild performed, and 1911 gallons of 100/130 grade fuel added, bringing the total fuel aboard to 2,700 gallons Also, sufficient oil was added to bring the quantity of each tank to 30 gallons. At 2322 the aircraft departed Idlewild on a ferry flight to Newark with a new crew consisting of Captain W. G. Foster, First Officer C E. St. Clair, flight Engineer I. R. Shea, and Stewardess Nancy J. Taylor. The aircraft arrived at Newark Airport at 2335, from which point it was scheduled to depart at 2359 as Flight 101, non-stop to Miami, Florida. A second inspection was accomplished at Newark and the aircraft was loaded with 2,953 pounds of mail, baggage, air express, air freight, and 59 passengers, including one infant The computed take-off gross weight was 83,437 pounds, or 6,463 pounds less than the allowable gross of 89,900 pounds This weight was so distributed that the center of gravity was within the approved limits. No fuel was added at Newark. The flight was given an instrument clearance from Newark to Miami, with West Palm Beach as alternate. To this clearance was attached the pertinent weather reports which indicated, among other things, that at Newark the ceiling was 20,000 feet, thin overcast, with the entire en route weather generally clear with ceilings of 30,000 feet at Palm Beach and Miami. At 0013, February 11, Newark Control Tower gave the flight taxi clearance to Runway 24, stating the wind was south, variable at six m p.h., and altimeter 29 92. At approximately 0017 the flight advised the tower that it was ready for takeoff Take-off clearance was issued, and the controller observed the aircraft taxi into take-off position and proceed down the runway in a normal manner, becoming airborne at 0018 after a roll of approximately 3,200 feet. The climb-out appeared normal until the aircraft passed the vicinity of the Newark Range Station. Here it was observed by Control Tower personnel to lose altitude suddenly and veer slightly to the right. This sudden loss of altitude and the movement to the right are supported by statements of surviving passengers and ground witnesses. The controller then called the flight and asked if everything was all right, to which he received the following reply, "I lost an engine and am returning to the field." The time was established as 0019. The flight was immediately cleared to land on Runway 6, which clearance was at once amended to land on any runway desired No further radio contacts were made with flight. During the last radio transmission the controller observed the aircraft continue to veer to the right at a low altitude and then disappear from sight. At 0020 cower personnel observed a fire in the vicinity of Elizabeth New Jersey. It was later established that Flight 101 had crashed in Elizabeth near the intersection of Scotland Road and Westminster Avenue. The aircraft was totally destroyed by impact forces and three crew members, 26 passengers and four people on the ground were killed.
Probable cause:
The Board determines that the probable cause of this accident was the reversal in flight of No. 3 propeller with relatively high power and the subsequent feathering of No. 4 propeller resulting in a descent at an altitude too low to effect recovery. The following findings were pointed out:
- Mechanical difficulty developed during climb shortly after takeoff from Runway 24,
- No. 3 propeller reversed in flight, and No. 4 propeller was feathered,
- Under these conditions the aircraft did not maintain altitude and settled rapidly.
Final Report:

Crash of a Lockheed 18-56 LodeStar in Cedar Grove

Date & Time: Jan 28, 1952
Type of aircraft:
Flight Phase:
Flight Type:
Crew on board:
Crew fatalities:
Pax on board:
Pax fatalities:
Other fatalities:
Total fatalities:
The pilot, sole on board, was completing a ferry flight from Kenya to the US with intermediate stops in Prestwick, Iceland and Canada. While approaching an airport located in the region of New York in snow falls, the airplane crash landed in a golf course and was damaged beyond repair. The pilot was unhurt.

Crash of a Convair CV-240-0 in Elizabeth: 30 killed

Date & Time: Jan 22, 1952 at 1544 LT
Type of aircraft:
Buffalo – Rochester – Syracuse – Newark
Flight number:
Crew on board:
Crew fatalities:
Pax on board:
Pax fatalities:
Other fatalities:
Total fatalities:
Captain / Total flying hours:
Captain / Total hours on type:
Copilot / Total flying hours:
Copilot / Total hours on type:
Aircraft flight hours:
The approach to Newark was completed in marginal weather conditions with a ceiling at 400 feet and a 3/4 mile visibility. For unknown reason, the aircraft deviated from the approach path to the left and, in a relative flat attitude, hit an obstacle and eventually crashed in flames on several houses located in the city of Elizabeth, about three miles from runway 06 threshold. All 23 occupants on board the aircraft and seven people in the ground were killed while nine others were injured. Few houses were destroyed.
Probable cause:
The Board determines that there is insufficient evidence available at this time upon which to predicate a probable cause. The following findings were pointed out:
- The flight was routine from Buffalo and was cleared to descend and make an ILS approach, monitored by GCA, to the Newark airport,
- Weather conditions below the 4,000-foot level at Newark were favorable to the formation of carburetor ice,
- The flight reported over Linden, New Jersey, at 1,500 feet inbound to the airport at 1541,
- The Newark weather conditions at 1540 were reported as indefinite ceiling 400 feet, obscurement, visibility 3/4 mile, light rain and fog, altimeter 29 97,
- The aircraft vanished from the GCA screens at a point approximately 900 feet to the right of the glide path and while at an altitude of 400 feet, due to ground interference,
- The weather information indicated lower ceilings and visibilities near the scene of the accident (about three miles southwest of the airport) than were reported at the airport,
- The aircraft was headed in an easterly direction, below the overcast, in a near level attitude, for a distance of approximately 1,300 feet, before it crashed into buildings.
Final Report:

Crash of a Curtiss C-46 in Newark: 56 killed

Date & Time: Dec 16, 1951 at 1509 LT
Type of aircraft:
Flight Phase:
Newark – Tampa
Crew on board:
Crew fatalities:
Pax on board:
Pax fatalities:
Other fatalities:
Total fatalities:
Captain / Total flying hours:
Captain / Total hours on type:
Copilot / Total flying hours:
Copilot / Total hours on type:
Aircraft flight hours:
The aircraft arrived at Newark following a non-stop flight from Fort Smith, Arkansas, on December 15 at about 2330. During this flight of about five and one quarter hours, there was no reported malfunctioning of the aircraft or its powerplants with the exception of both cabin heaters which were inoperative. This was reported to the Babb Company, a CAA approved repair station at the Newark Airport, and instructions were issued to repair the heaters. Mechanics worked during the night and the following morning with the result that one of the cabin heaters was believed to be repaired. This, however, could not be positively determined without test flying the aircraft; this was not done. During the morning of December 16 the aircraft was serviced. The left engine required five gallons of oil and the right engine required 10 gallons to bring the respective tanks to a total of 34 gallons each. Fuel was added in the amount of 767 gallons, which filled the front and center tanks in each wing. The aircraft was loaded with 52 passengers including two infants in arms. The crew consisted of Captain Albert C. Lyons. Copilot John R. Mason, and Stewardess Doris Helm. A fourth company employee who was deadheading to Miami occupied the jump seat. The aircraft's center of gravity was located Within prescribed limits. Actual takeoff weight of the aircraft was about 117 pounds over the prescribed maximum of 48.000 pounds. A flight plan was made out and signed by both the captain and copilot. It specified VFR (Visual Flight Rules) direct flight at a cruising altitude of 4,000 feet to Tampa, Florida. After the aircraft was loaded both engines were run up. The right me was run up longer than the left engine, and a number of nearby persons saw smoke continuously coming from that engine. This spoke was variously described as being "white," "grey" and "light" in color. The Newark Control Tower then gave the aircraft taxying instructions and advised the captain that he had a choice of Runway Nos. 24 or 28 for takeoff. The captain chose No. 28. The flight was then cleared for takeoff at 1502 and immediately started down the runway. The tower recorded that the aircraft left the ground at approximately 1503. Immediately after becoming airborne, the landing gear was seen to retract. At this point tower personnel for the first time observed a trail of White smoke from the right side of the aircraft and the tower supervisor, fearing a fire, pressed the airport crash alarm button. The tower then advised the flight as follows: "1678M, you can land any my possible, any way you wish, cleared back to the field." This was not acknowledged. 'The takeoff run was normal but the subsequent climb was slow. The right engine emitted a continuous smoke trail as previously described. A captain employed by Miami Airline witnessed the takeoff. Believing that the source of the smoke was an overheated right brake, he immediately telephoned the control tower and asked that the flight he advised of his impression, suggesting that the landing gear not be raised and that it he extended if it had been raised. The tower complied, the flight acknowledged, and the landing gear was seen to extend. The tower then sent the following message: "1678M the wind is west at 20, Runway 6, the airport is yours, you're cleared to land, Runway 6." There was no acknowledgement. The aircraft continued straight ahead in the direction of takeoff for a distance of approximately four miles, slowly gaining an altitude of approximately 800 to 1,000 feet. The smoke continued to increase in volume and shortly before the four-mile point was reached black smoke and actual flame were seen coming from the underside of the right nacelle as the landing gear was lowered. Shortly after the landing gear was extended, a large, "ball of fire" was seen coming from underneath the right nacelle. 3 The aircraft then started a gradual left turn banked at an estimated 10 degrees. This turn and subsequent flight continued for an additional distance of approximately 4 1/2 miles with altitude continuously being lost, until the aircraft was approximately 3 miles Southwest of Runway 28 of the Newark airport. During this period of the flame from the right nacelle appeared to go out for a period of a few seconds, and then start again. It was indicated that the speed of the aircraft throughout the entire flight had been somewhat slow and that during the latter portion of the flight the speed became progressively slower, and the right propeller was turning slowly. The aircraft at this time was over the City of Elizabeth, New Jersey, and was nearly 60 degree from alignment with and approximately two and one-fourth miles distant from Runway 6 of the Newark Airport. At this point and at an estimated altitude of about 200 feet the aircraft's then low left wing dropped about vertically downward with the right wing coming vertically upward and the aircraft fell with relatively little forward speed. Just before striking the ground the aircraft's left wing tip struck the gabled roof of a vacant house near its ridge. The aircraft continued ahead and down, struck a brick building used by the City of Elizabeth as a storage for water supply department materials, damaged this building and plunged a few feet ahead to the bank of the Elizabeth River, where it came to rest. The wreckage was in a generally inverted position and partially submerged in shallow water. A severe gasoline fire developed instantly, spreading to and damaging the storage building. Nearby fire fighting apparatus arrived quickly and about 17 minutes later, the fire was extinguished. All aboard were killed and one person on the ground was seriously injured.
Probable cause:
The Board determines that the probable cause of this accident was a stall with the landing gear extended following a serious loss of power from the right engine. This loss of power was caused by the failure of the hold-down studs of the No. 10 cylinder, precipitating a fire in flight which became uncontrollable. The following findings were pointed out:
- The aircraft was loaded above its maximum allowable takeoff weight,
- An abnormal amount of smoke trailed from the right engine during runup, takeoff and climb,
- The hold-down studs of No. 10 cylinder were sound metallurgically,
- The failure from fatigue of No. 10 cylinder's hold-down studs, due to improper installation of their nuts, caused the cylinder to separate completely from the crankcase during or shortly after takeoff,
- A fire started at the base of No. 10 cylinder, rapidly becoming uncontrollable,
- The flight was cleared by the tower to return and land at Newark Airport using any runway,
- The wheels were lowered upon advice from the ground, relayed by the tower, by a company employee, acting in his best considered judgment,
- The right propeller was partially feathered in flight,
- The right wing did not fail in flight,
- While attempting to return to the Newark Airport, the aircraft stalled at an altitude of approximately 200 feet, fell sharply to its left, struck buildings, and crashed on the bank of the Elizabeth River,
- The carrier's pilot training program on emergency procedures was informal, irregular, and therefore inadequate.
Final Report:

Crash of a Curtiss C-46F-1-CU Commando in Newark

Date & Time: Aug 11, 1951
Type of aircraft:
Flight Phase:
Newark – Philadelphia
Crew on board:
Crew fatalities:
Pax on board:
Pax fatalities:
Other fatalities:
Total fatalities:
During the takeoff roll, the pilot-in-command noticed a directional control problem, decided to abandon the takeoff procedure and started an emergency braking maneuver. Unable to stop within the remaining distance, the airplane overran, hit a concrete embankment and came to rest in a swampy area with its right engine in flames. All 45 occupants were evacuated safely while the aircraft was damaged beyond repair. The crew was performing a special flight to Philadelphia on behalf of the USAF.

Crash of a Douglas C-47A-80-DL in McGuire AFB: 5 killed

Date & Time: Jul 1, 1951
Flight Type:
Scott - McGuire
Crew on board:
Crew fatalities:
Pax on board:
Pax fatalities:
Other fatalities:
Total fatalities:
During the final approach completed in foggy conditions, the aircraft hit the ground and crashed half a mile south of the airbase. Five passengers were killed.

Crash of a Curtiss C-46F-1-CU Commando in Teterboro: 1 killed

Date & Time: May 27, 1950 at 1729 LT
Type of aircraft:
Flight Phase:
Flight Type:
Teterboro – Fort Wayne – Detroit
Crew on board:
Crew fatalities:
Pax on board:
Pax fatalities:
Other fatalities:
Total fatalities:
Captain / Total flying hours:
Captain / Total hours on type:
Copilot / Total flying hours:
Copilot / Total hours on type:
At 1727 the aircraft was cleared to Runway 19 for takeoff toward the south. The engines were run up to a manifold pressure of 15 inches of mercury and ignition was checked on both magnetos of each engine. Takeoff was then started and the manifold pressure was increased to 52 inches of mercury. Ground witnesses estimated that the takeoff run as somewhat longer than usual for this model aircraft. Tower personnel and several ground witnesses saw puffs of black smoke coming from the left engine immediately after the takeoff. At an altitude estimated as 200-300 feet, the left engine started to misfire. The landing gear had been raised and was checked for position. The left engine continued misfiring and shortly became worse. The left propeller as feathered. Ahead, the terrain as flat, unobstructed and marshy. Full power was maintained on the right engine and a left turn was started as if to return to the airport. At this point the altitude was estimated to be 400-500 feet. During the turn the air speed fell to 85-90 1 PH and the aircraft settled. This turning and settling continued until the aircraft neared the ground, when it was leveled laterally. It struck while about level, both laterally and longitudinally, and slid along the omen ground in a generally northeasterly direction for some 620 feet where it struck some large trees and turned to the left about 180 degrees. Both captain and copilot were thrown clear of the wreckage. The captain later died from his injuries. The weather was good and was not a factor in the accident.
Probable cause:
The Board determines that the probable cause of the accident was overloading of the aircraft due to faulty loading end dispatch procedures coupled with engine malfunctioning due to inadequate maintenance.
The following factors were noted:
- The aircraft's was leaded above its maximum gross weight by approximately 5,000 pounds,
- The aircraft had been flown in excess of its 80-hour inspection period,
- Both engines were inadequately maintained,
- The ignition systems of both engines were found to be defective,
- The left engine malfunctioned and its propeller was feathered shortly after takeoff at an air speed of 130-135 miles per hour,
- A left turn was made and the air speed fell sharply to 85-90 miles per hour,
- The aircraft settled to the ground in a near stalled condition.
Final Report:

Crash of a Lockheed 18-10 LodeStar in Newark

Date & Time: Sep 29, 1949
Type of aircraft:
White Plains – Newark
Crew on board:
Crew fatalities:
Pax on board:
Pax fatalities:
Other fatalities:
Total fatalities:
On final approach to Newark Airport, the twin engine aircraft hit power cables and crashed in a swampy area. All three occupants were injured and the aircraft was written off.