Crash of a Douglas C-47A-20-DK at Tachikawa AFB

Date & Time: Oct 11, 1957
Flight Phase:
Flight Type:
Flight number:
Crew on board:
Crew fatalities:
Pax on board:
Pax fatalities:
Other fatalities:
Total fatalities:
The crew was engaged in a humanitarian mission to South Korea (flight code UNO102) on behalf of the United Nations Organization (UNO). Shortly after takeoff, while in initial climb, the airplane suffered an engine failure, stalled and crashed into houses located in the district of Sunahawa. All four crew members were rescued and there were no injuries on the ground.
Probable cause:
Engine failure just after takeoff.

Crash of a Douglas A-26 Invader in East Dayton: 4 killed

Date & Time: Sep 24, 1957 at 1659 LT
Type of aircraft:
Flight Type:
Wright Patterson - Wright Patterson
Crew on board:
Crew fatalities:
Pax on board:
Pax fatalities:
Other fatalities:
Total fatalities:
The crew was performing a local training flight and departed Wright-Patterson AFB in the day. On approach, the twin engine aircraft went out of control and crashed in flames into several houses located in 1843 Tuttle Avenue, East Dayton. At least four houses were destroyed. Both pilots as well as two people on the ground were killed.
Maj James Melancon, pilot,
Cpt Wilho R. Heikkinen, copilot.
Both civilians killed were Mildred VanZant and Walter Geisler.
Probable cause:
An investigation determined that a loose engine cowling moved forward into the propeller.

Crash of a Douglas C-47A-25-DK in New Delhi: 5 killed

Date & Time: Mar 13, 1957 at 0915 LT
Flight Type:
New Delhi - New Delhi
Crew on board:
Crew fatalities:
Pax on board:
Pax fatalities:
Other fatalities:
Total fatalities:
VT-CFB took off from Safdarjung Airport at approximately 0832LT on a training flight. At 0839 it reported as being 20 miles north of Safdarjung Airport and at 5 000 ft. There was no further radiotelephony contact with the aircraft. At approximately 0915 hours it crashed 10 miles north of Safdarjung Airport and was destroyed by impact and fire. Both occupants were killed as were three inmates of a hut in the labour colony where the crash occurred.
Probable cause:
The accident was attributed to loss of control of the aircraft as a result of a spin, inadvertently entered into at a height too low for recovery.
Final Report:

Crash of a Blackburn B-101 Beverley C.1 near RAF Abingdon: 20 killed

Date & Time: Mar 5, 1957 at 1100 LT
Type of aircraft:
Flight Type:
Abingdon – Akrotiri
Crew on board:
Crew fatalities:
Pax on board:
Pax fatalities:
Other fatalities:
Total fatalities:
The aircraft departed RAF Abingdon at 1042LT bound for RAF Akrotiri in Cyprus. It was carrying cargo, a relief crew, eight RAF police dog handlers and eight police dogs. There was low cloud at 500 feet (150 m), visibility was less than 1,000 feet (300 m), and an easterly wind of 10 knots (19 km/h). As the aircraft climbed, the engine number one developed a fuel leak. The flight crew responded by shutting down the engine and feathering its propeller. The flight crew declared an emergency and requested a blind approach to RAF Abingdon. The controller alerted emergency services on the ground. A short time later, cockpit instruments alerted the flight crew to a large loss of fuel from No. 2 fuel tank, the second of four such tanks in the port wing. In an effort to stop the leak, the crew de-activated the fuel cocks and boosters for the No. 2 tank, but left them on for the No. 1 tank. As the Beverley turned on to final approach for RAF Abingdon the crew attempted to increase power from the remaining three Bristol Centaurus engines but No. 2 engine – also on the port wing – failed to respond and the aircraft began to lose speed and height. Knowing he could not reach the airfield, the captain tried to land in a field. However, the aircraft became uncontrollable and struck a number of high tension cables and a group of elm trees that tore the port wing from the fuselage. On impact with the ground, the aircraft destroyed a caravan and a prefabricated house before somersaulting and crashing upside down. Eighteen occupants were killed, among them three crew members, and two people on the ground.
Probable cause:
A Board of Inquiry investigated the crash and found it was caused by loss of power from Nos. 1 and 2 engines, both mounted on the port wing. George Ward told the House of Commons that "the four fuel tanks on the port side of the Beverley feed into a collector box from which the two port engines are fed. From the available evidence, including inspections of part of the aircraft's fuel system, it is clear that a non-return valve between No. 1 (port) tank and the collector box had been fitted in reverse and that the fuel supply from Nos. 3 and 4 (port) tanks were switched off throughout the flight." Ward continued, saying that the loss of power from No. 1 was caused by it being shut down as a precautionary measure, and the fuel starvation to No. 2 engine was caused by an incorrectly fitted non-return valve in the supply line from No. 1 fuel tank. No. 2 fuel tank had been isolated and two smaller fuel tanks in the port wing had not been selected during the flight. The tradesman who had fitted the valve, and his supervisor, were prosecuted and charged, and the technician was court-martialled for negligence and punished with a reprimand. The Board also noted that some fuel was available from two smaller tanks but they were not used during the flight, and that the captain "must bear some responsibility" for not using those tanks. Ward said, however, that "owing to the nature of the flight the amount of fuel in the two smaller tanks was not large, and it can only be assumed that the captain had no reason to believe that both port engines would not operate satisfactorily off the two main port tanks individually." The captain was killed in the accident and no allegations were brought against him or any of his crew.

Crash of a Douglas C-47D in Fukuoka: 3 killed

Date & Time: Feb 26, 1957 at 1045 LT
Flight Phase:
Flight Type:
Crew on board:
Crew fatalities:
Pax on board:
Pax fatalities:
Other fatalities:
Total fatalities:
In unclear circumstances, the C-47 collided with a USAF North American F-100 Super Sabre over the city of Fukuoka. While the pilot of the fighter was able to land at Fukuoka-Itazuke Airport, the C-47 crashed onto two vacant houses. All three crew members were killed and there was no injuries on the ground.

Crash of a Douglas DC-7B in Sunland: 7 killed

Date & Time: Jan 31, 1957 at 1118 LT
Type of aircraft:
Flight Phase:
Flight Type:
Santa Monica - Santa Monica
Crew on board:
Crew fatalities:
Pax on board:
Pax fatalities:
Other fatalities:
Total fatalities:
Captain / Total flying hours:
Captain / Total hours on type:
Copilot / Total flying hours:
Copilot / Total hours on type:
Aircraft flight hours:
On January 31, at 1015, N8210H took off tram runway 03 of the Santa Monica, California, Airport. The aircraft was a new DC-7B being flown for the first time for the purpose of functionally checking the aircraft and its components in flight following production. The flight crew were Douglas Aircraft employees consisting of Pilot William G. Carr; Copilot Archie R. Twitchell; Flight Engineer Waldo B. Adams; and Radio Operator Roy Nakazawa. The aircraft had been subject to many regular inspections during its manufacture and numerous inspections which were required after production preceding the first flight. Accordingly, it was presumed the DC-7B was in airworthy condition. Preparations for the flight by its crew were routine, Departure was on a local VFR flight plan filed with the operations office of the company. The plan showed six hours of fuel aboard end that the flight duration wee estimated as 2 hours 15 minutes. It also showed the gross takeoff night of N8210H was 88,000, pounds, well under the maximum allowable. The load was properly distributed with respect to center of gravity limitations. According to routine procedure the flight switched to the Douglas company radio frequency after takeoff and made periodic progress reports. At 1030 the crew reported over the Catalina intersection, 9,000 feet, routine, and thereafter, at 1106, over Ontario, 25,000 feet, routine. At 1050 that morning, the Northrop operated F-89J, 52-1870, took off from runway 25 of the Palmdale, California, Airport, accompanied by another F-89J, 53-25 6A. The flight of 52-1870 was one of a series of functional flight checks following the completion of IRAN (inspection and repair as necessary), an overhaul project performed under contract by Northrop Aircraft for the United States Air Force. The specific flight was in accordance with provisions of the contract and its purpose was to check the radar fire control systems of both of the all-weather interceptors. The two-member flight crew of 52-1870 consisted of Pilot Roland E. Owen and Radar Operator Curtiss A. Adams, both employees of Northrop. Preparations for the operation were routine and departure was in accordance with a local VFR flight plan filed with the flight department of the company. The plan indicated the estimated duration of the operation as one hour with sufficient fuel aboard for approximately 1 hour and 45 minutes, considering afterburner time, altitude, and power settings for the mission. The F-89's took off individually, using afterburners, with a separation interval, of 20 seconds. In a wide starboard orbit the pilots utilized radar in a “snake climb” to 25,000 feet. At that altitude, a predetermined scissoring flight pattern was utilized which positioned the F-89's, without ground radar control, for simulated all-weather interceptor attacks on each other, during which the operation of airborne radar equipment could be checked. Radio transmissions, on company frequency, were recorded by ground facilities. These were routine commands between the pilots as they executed the radar check pattern and intercepts. At 1118 activity in the Douglas radio roan was interrupted by an emergency transmission from N 8210H. The voices were recognized by radio personnel familiar with the crew members. Pilot Cart first transmitted, “Uncontrollable," Copilot Twitchell then said, “We‘re a midair collision - midair collision, 10 How (aircraft identification using phonetic How for H) we are going in-uncontrollable - uncontrollable - we are . . . we've had it boy - poor jet too - told you we should take chutes - say goodbye to everybody.” Radio Operator Nakazawa’s voice was recognized and he concluded the tragic message with, "We are spinning In the valley.” This final transmission from the flight is presented because it contained important information relative to the accident investigation. It not only establishes the midair collision but also indicates the DC-7 was rendered uncontrollable. It further indicates that Mr. Twitchell at least recognized the aircraft with which they collided as a jet. Further, the DC-7 spun during its descent to the ground. All four crew members on board the DC-7 were killed plus three people on the ground. Seventy others have been injured. Weather conditions in the area at the time of the accident were reported by the Weather Bureau as clear, visibility 50 miles. Winds aloft at 25,000 were approximately 30 knots from 320 degrees.
Probable cause:
The Board determines that the probable cause of this midair collision was the high rate of near head-on closure at high altitude which, together with physiological limitations, resulted in a minimum avoidance opportunity during which the pilots did not see the other’s aircraft. The following findings were reported:
- The flights were operated in clear weather conditions and in accordance with the provisions of local VFR flight plans,
- Under VFR weather conditions and VFR flight plans collision avoidance rested in visual separation, a pilot responsibility,
- The DC-7 and F-89 collided in flight on approximately west and east headings, respectively. They were at 25,000 feet over a non-congested area between one and two miles northeast of the Hansen Dam Spillway,
- At impact the F-89 was rolled about 30 degrees left, both aircraft were about level in the pitch plane, and the convergence angle was about five degrees from head-on,
- Both aircraft tell out of control and the DC-7 crashed in a populated area,
- From visual range, estimated at 3.5 miles, the closure speed between the two aircraft was 700 knots and over the probable flight paths the tine to collision from visual range was about 15 seconds,
- The nature and purpose of the flights did not prevent all pilots from maintaining a lookout for other aircraft,
- There was no evidence found to indicate that any malfunction or failure of the aircraft or their components was a factor in the accident.
Final Report:

Crash of an Ilyushin II-12 in Berlin: 3 killed

Date & Time: Apr 26, 1956
Type of aircraft:
Moscow – Warsaw – Berlin
Crew on board:
Crew fatalities:
Pax on board:
Pax fatalities:
Other fatalities:
Total fatalities:
While approaching Berlin-Schönefeld Airport, the airplane was too low and struck the top of the Bohnsdorf church, crashed and burst into flames three km from the airfield. Three crew members were killed and three others were injured. For undetermined reason, the crew was approaching the airport at an insufficient altitude.

Crash of a Douglas C-54-DO Skymaster in Seattle: 28 killed

Date & Time: Nov 17, 1955 at 2359 LT
Type of aircraft:
Flight Phase:
Seattle – Newark
Flight number:
Crew on board:
Crew fatalities:
Pax on board:
Pax fatalities:
Other fatalities:
Total fatalities:
Captain / Total flying hours:
Captain / Total hours on type:
Copilot / Total flying hours:
Copilot / Total hours on type:
Aircraft flight hours:
Peninsular Air Transport Common Carriage Flight 17K was scheduled to originate at Boeing Field and terminate at Newark, New Jersey, with intermediate refueling stops. The assigned crew consisted of Captain W. J. McDougall, First Officer F. C. Hall, and Steward J. O. Adams. The third pilot, Edward, McGrath, deadheading to Miami, Florida, occupied the jump seat with no crew duties. The flight, scheduled to depart at 2030, was delayed because of a heavy snowfall during the afternoon and early evening of November 17 which delayed passenger arrivals and necessitated removal of snow from the aircraft before departure. At 2332 the flight taxied to runway 13, holding off the runway waiting its turn behind other flights to take off, During this time the crew completed pre-takeoff cheeks and received an IFR (Instrument Flight Rules) clearance. This, in part, instructed them to turn right after takeoff and climb on the northwest course of the Seattle Range to 5,000 feet m. s. 1. (mean sea level). The takeoff was started at 2358 and appeared normal as the landing gear retracted and right turn was begun. When approximately 300-400 feet above the ground the first reduction of power, from takeoff to normal rated power, was made and about five of the 15 degrees of flaps extended, were retracted. At this time the No. 4 propeller surged and engine r. p. m. increased to about 2,800. Unable to reduce the r. p. m. of No. 4 by reducing its power an attempt was made to feather the propeller; this also was unsuccessful. As the aircraft then began to descend takeoff power was reapplied to Nos. 1, 2, and 3 engines and the power from No. 4 was further reduced. This action did not reduce the r. p. m. of No. 4 which surged again and increased to more than 3,000. The aircraft veered to the right and continued to descend. Realising that a crash-landing was imminent Captain McDougall reduced the airspeed until the aircraft was nearly stalled and applied full power to all four engines. The aircraft continued to settle. It then struck a telephone pole and several trees before crash-landing in a nose-high attitude. Fire and rescue equipment was dispatched to the scene from both the Seattle Fire Department and the Seattle-Tacoma Airport. The units arrived promptly and gave first aid to the survivors. Fire which followed the crash was quickly extinguished but not before extensive property was burned and the aircraft was nearly consumed. One crew member and 27 passengers were killed.
Probable cause:
The Board determines that the probable cause of this accident was the excessively high drag resulting from the improperly indexed propeller blades and inability to feather. These conditions were the result of a series of maintenance errors and omissions. The following findings were reported:
- Weather conditions at takeoff were above minim with respect to ceiling and visibility,
- There was no snow or ice on the aircraft when it took off,
- During the first power reduction the No. 4 engine r. p. m. fluctuated, became uncontrollable, and shortly thereafter increased to more than 3,000,
- Efforts to reduce the r. p. m. and feather the malfunctioning propeller were unsuccessful,
- The propeller dome retaining nut was not tightened sufficiently permitting oil to leak around the dome seal,
- The leaking oil resulted in a lack of oil for reducing the r. p. m. or feathering the No. 4 propeller,
- Poor maintenance procedures, omissions during maintenance, and lack of proper inspection were evident in the maintenance work performed by Seattle Aircraft Repair, Inc,
- Improper indexing of the No. 4 propeller blades occurred during the work at Seattle,
- Propeller drag from the overspeeding No. 4 propeller greatly increased by the incorrect indexing of the blades made continued flight difficult if not impossible,
- The aircraft was unairworthy following the Seattle maintenance work.
Final Report:

Crash of a Douglas A-26C-45-DT Invader at Mitchel AFB: 3 killed

Date & Time: Nov 2, 1955
Type of aircraft:
Flight Phase:
Flight Type:
Mitchel - Mitchel
Crew on board:
Crew fatalities:
Pax on board:
Pax fatalities:
Other fatalities:
Total fatalities:
While completing a local training flight at Mitchel AFB, the aircraft went out of control and crashed in unknown circumstances in East Meadow, near the airbase. The aircraft was destroyed by impact forces and a post crash fire and all three crew members were killed.

Crash of a Kaiser-Frazer C-119F Flying Boxcar in Charleston: 9 killed

Date & Time: Aug 23, 1955 at 0200 LT
Flight Phase:
Flight Type:
Charleston - Charleston
Crew on board:
Crew fatalities:
Pax on board:
Pax fatalities:
Other fatalities:
Total fatalities:
Shortly after a night takeoff at Charleston Airport, while climbing, one of the engine caught fire and exploded. The airplane lost height and crashed in flames onto several houses located in a residential area, some 1,7 mile from the airfield. Six crew members were seriously injured while five others were killed. Four people in the houses were killed as well.
Probable cause:
Engine explosion during initial climb for unknown reason.