Crash of a Piper PA-42-720 Cheyenne III in Sorocaba: 2 killed

Date & Time: Mar 31, 2017 at 1445 LT
Type of aircraft:
Flight Type:
Manaus - Sorocaba
Crew on board:
Crew fatalities:
Pax on board:
Pax fatalities:
Other fatalities:
Total fatalities:
Captain / Total flying hours:
Captain / Total hours on type:
The twin engine aircraft departed Manaus-Aeroclub de Flores Airport on a flight to Barra do Garças, carrying one passenger and one pilot. After takeoff from Manaus, the pilot changed his mind and decided to fly to Sorocaba. On final approach to Sorocaba-Bertram Luiz Leupolz Airport in good weather conditions, the aircraft impacted trees and crashed in a wooded area located about one km short of runway 18. The aircraft was destroyed and both occupants were killed. There was no fire.
Probable cause:
Contributing factors:
- Flight indiscipline – a contributor
The pilot failed to comply with the minimum fuel requirements laid down in the regulations, providing conditions for both engines to stop operating in flight, due to lack of fuel.
- Piloting judgment – a contributor
It was found in this flight an inadequate evaluation for certain parameters related to aircraft operation, particularly with regard to the influence of the chosen flight level on fuel consumption. This misjudgment led to the decision to proceed with the flight to the Aerodrome where it was intended to land, to the detriment of the more conservative option of finding a suitable place for an intermediate landing and a refueling, which led to the depletion of usable fuel in flight.
- Flight planning – a contributor
Inadequate flight preparation work, especially with regard to fuel calculation and cruise level selection, has degraded the safety level and also contributed to the actual accident.
- Decision-making process – undetermined
Difficulties in perceiving, analyzing, choosing alternatives, and acting appropriately due to inadequate judgment, may have resulted in poor assessment of flight parameters (available fuel, distance to destination, verified consumption, etc.), which may have favored the occurrence of lack of fuel failure.
Final Report:

Crash of a BAe 125-800B in São Paulo

Date & Time: Feb 9, 2017 at 2211 LT
Type of aircraft:
Brasília – São Paulo
Crew on board:
Crew fatalities:
Pax on board:
Pax fatalities:
Other fatalities:
Total fatalities:
The airplane departed Brasilía-Presidente Juscelino Kubitschek Airport in the evening on a charter flight to São Paulo-Congonhas, carrying two pilots and one passenger, the Senator Aécio Neves da Cunha. During the takeoff roll, a tire on one of the main landing gear failed. The crew continued the flight, informed ATC about his situation and preferred to divert to São Paulo-Guarulhos Airport that offered longer runway for an emergency landing. After touchdown by night, the aircraft deviated to the right then veered off runway. The left main gear collapsed and the aircraft came to rest in a grassy area. All three occupants evacuated safely and the aircraft was damaged beyond repair.

Crash of a Beechcraft C90GT King Air off Paraty: 5 killed

Date & Time: Jan 19, 2017 at 1244 LT
Type of aircraft:
Campo de Marte - Paraty
Crew on board:
Crew fatalities:
Pax on board:
Pax fatalities:
Other fatalities:
Total fatalities:
Captain / Total flying hours:
Captain / Total hours on type:
The twin engine aircraft departed Campo de Marte Airport at 1301LT bound for Paraty. With a distance of about 200 km, the flight should take half an hour. The approach to Paraty Airport was completed in poor weather conditions with heavy rain falls reducing the visibility to 1,500 metres. While descending to Paraty, the pilot lost visual contact with the airport and initiated a go-around. Few minutes later, while completing a second approach, he lost visual references with the environement then lost control of the aircraft that crashed in the sea near the island of Rasa, about 4 km short of runway 28. Quickly on site, rescuers found a passenger alive but it was impossible to enter the cabin that was submerged. The aircraft quickly sank by a depth of few metres and all five occupants were killed, among them Carlos Alberto, founder of Hotel Emiliano and the Supreme Court Justice Teori Zavascki who had a central role overseeing a massive corruption investigation about the Brazilian oil Group Petrobras.
Probable cause:
Contributing factors:
- Adverse meteorological conditions - a contributor
At the moment of the impact of the aircraft, there was rain with rainfall potential of 25mm/h, covering the Paraty Bay region, and the horizontal visibility was 1,500m. Such horizontal visibility was below the minimum required for VFR landing and take-off operations. Since the SDTK aerodrome allowed only operations under VFR flight rules, the weather conditions proved to be impeding the operation within the required minimum safety limits.
- Decision-making process - a contributor
The weather conditions present in SDTK resulted in visibility restrictions that were impeding flight under VFR rules. In this context, the accomplishment of two attempts to approach and land procedures denoted an inadequate evaluation of the minimum conditions required for the operation at the Aerodrome.
- Disorientation - undetermined
The conditions of low visibility, of low height curve on the water, added to the pilot stress and also to the conditions of the wreckage, which did not show any fault that could have compromised the performance and/or controllability of the aircraft, indicate that the pilot most likely had a spatial disorientation that caused the loss of control of the aircraft.
- Emotional state - undetermined
Through the analysis of voice, speech and language parameters, variations in the emotional state of the pilot were identified that showed evidence of stress in the final moments of the flight. The pilot's high level of anxiety may have influenced his decision to make another attempt of landing even under adverse weather conditions and may have contributed to his disorientation.
- Tasks characteristics - undetermined
The operations in Paraty, RJ, demanded that pilots adapt to the routine of the operators, which was characteristic of the executive aviation. In addition, among operators, possibly because of the lack of minimum operational requirements in SDTK, the pilots who landed even in adverse weather conditions were recognized and valued by the others. Although there were no indications of external pressure on the part of the operator, these characteristics present in the operation in Paraty, RJ, may have favored the pilot's self-imposed pressure, leading him to operate with reduced safety margins.
- Visual illusions - undetermined
The flight conditions faced by the pilot favored the occurrence of the vestibular illusion due to the excess of "G" and the visual illusion of homogeneous terrain. Such illusions probably had, consequently, the pilot's sense that the bank angle was decreasing and that he was at a height above the real. These sensations may have led the pilot to erroneously correct the conditions he was experiencing. Thus, the great bank angle and the downward movement, observed at the moment of the impact of the aircraft, are probably a consequence of the phenomena of illusions.
- Work-group culture - a contributor
Among the members of the pilot group that performed routine flights to the region of Paraty, RJ, there was a culture of recognition and appreciation of those operating under adverse conditions, to the detriment of the requirements established for the VFR operation. These shared values promoted the adherence to informal practices and interfered in the perception and the adequate analysis of the risks present in the operation in SDTK.
Final Report:

Crash of an Airbus A300B4-230F in Recife

Date & Time: Oct 21, 2016 at 0630 LT
Type of aircraft:
Flight Type:
São Paulo – Recife
Flight number:
Crew on board:
Crew fatalities:
Pax on board:
Pax fatalities:
Other fatalities:
Total fatalities:
Captain / Total flying hours:
Captain / Total hours on type:
Copilot / Total flying hours:
Copilot / Total hours on type:
Following an uneventful cargo service from São Paulo-Guarulhos Airport, the crew initiated the descent to Recife-Guararapes Airport. On final approach to runway 18, after the aircraft had been configured for landing, at an altitude of 500 feet, the crew was cleared to land. After touchdown, the thrust lever for the left engine was pushed to maximum takeoff power while the thrust lever for the right engine was simultaneously brang to the idle position then to reverse. This asymetric configuration caused the aircraft to veer to the right and control was lost. The airplane veered off runway to the right and, while contacting soft grounf, the nose gear collapsed. The airplane came to rest to the right of the runway and was damaged beyond repair. All four occupants evacuated safely.
Probable cause:
Contributing factors.
- Control skills - undetermined
Inadequate use of aircraft controls, particularly as regards the mode of operation of the Autothrottle in use and the non-reduction of the IDLE power levers at touch down, may have led to a conflict between pilots when performing the landing and the automation logic active during approach. In addition, the use of only one reverse (on the right engine) and placing the left throttle lever at maximum takeoff power resulted in an asymmetric thrust that contributed to the loss of control on the ground.
- Attitude - undetermined
The adoption of practices different from the aircraft manual denoted an attitude of noncompliance with the procedures provided, which contributed to put the equipment in an unexpected condition: non-automatic opening of ground spoilers and asymmetric thrust of the engines. These factors required additional pilot intervention (hand control), which may have made it difficult to manage the circumstances that followed the touch and led to the runway excursion.
- Crew Resource Management - a contributor
The involvement of the PM in commanding the aircraft during the events leading up to the runway excursion to the detriment of its primary responsibility, which would be to monitor systems and assist the PF in conducting the flight, characterized an inefficiency in harnessing the human resources available for the airplane operation. Thus, the improper management of the tasks assigned to each crewmember and the non-observance of the CRM principles delayed the identification of the root cause of the aircraft abnormal behavior.
- Organizational culture - a contributor
The reliance on the crew's technical capacity, based on their previous aviation experience, has fostered an informal organizational environment. This informality contributed to the adoption of practices that differed from the anticipated procedures regarding the management and operation of the aircraft. This not compliance with the procedures highlights a lack of safety culture, as lessons learnt from previous similar accidents (such as those in Irkutsk and Congonhas involving landing using only one reverse and pushing the thrust levers forward), have apparently not been taken into account at the airline level.
- Piloting judgment - undetermined
The habit of not reducing the throttle lever to the IDLE position when passing at 20ft diverged from the procedures contained in the aircraft-operating manual and prevented the automatic opening of ground spoilers. It is possible that the consequences of this adaptation of the procedure related to the operation of the airplane were not adequately evaluated, which made it difficult to understand and manage the condition experienced.
- Perception - a contributor
Failure to perceive the position of the left lever denoted a lowering of the crew's situational awareness, as it apparently only realized the real cause of the aircraft yaw when the runway excursion was already underway.
- Decision-making process - a contributor
An inaccurate assessment of the causes that would justify the behavior of the aircraft during the landing resulted in a delay in the application of the necessary power reduction procedure, that is, repositioning the left engine power lever.
Final Report:

Crash of an Embraer EMB-820C Navajo in Londrina: 8 killed

Date & Time: Jul 31, 2016 at 2057 LT
Flight Type:
Cuiabá – Londrina
Crew on board:
Crew fatalities:
Pax on board:
Pax fatalities:
Other fatalities:
Total fatalities:
Captain / Total flying hours:
Copilot / Total flying hours:
Aircraft flight hours:
Owned by Fenatracoop (Federação Nacional dos Trabalhadores Celestitas nas Cooperativas no Brasil), the twin engine aircraft departed Cuiabá-Marechal Rondon Airport on a flight to Londrina, carrying two pilots and six passengers, three adults and three children. On final approach to Londrina-Governador José Richa Runway 13, the pilot informed ATC about a loss of power on the left engine. Shortly later, control was lost and the aircraft crashed on a hangar housing six tanker trucks and located 9,2 km short of runway. Several explosions occurred and the aircraft and the hangar were totally destroyed. All eight occupants were killed but there were no injuries on the ground.
Probable cause:
Contributing factors.
- Communication – undetermined
It is possible that difficulties for the dialogue between pilots on matters related to the operation of the aircraft have favored a prejudicial scenario to the expression of assertiveness in the communication in the cabin, interfering in the effective management of the presented abnormal condition.
- Team dynamics – undetermined
It is possible that a more passive posture of the copilot combined with the commander's decisions and actions from the presentation of the abnormal condition in flight interfered with the quality of the team's integration and in the efficiency of the cabin dynamics during the occurrence, bringing losses to the emergency management presented.
- Emotional state – undetermined
It is not possible to discard the hypothesis that a more anxious emotional state of the pilots contributed to an inaccurate evaluation of the operational context experienced, favoring ineffective judgments, decisions and actions to manage the abnormal condition presented.
- Aircraft maintenance – a contributor
On the right engine, it was found that the fuel tube fixing nut that left the distributor for No. 3 cylinder was loose, favoring the fuel leakage, as well as the bypass valve clamp of the turbocharger that was bad adjusted, providing leakage of gases from the exhaust that would be directed to the compressor and, later to the engine, to equalize its power. On the left engine, impurity composed of an agglomerate of soil and fuel were found on the side of the nozzles n° 2, 4 and 6, which migrated to the inside of these nozzles, causing them to become clogged. It was not possible to determine the origin of this material, but there is a possibility that it may have been deposited during the long period the aircraft spent in the maintenance shop, undergoing general overhaul and the revitalization of its interior (13DEC2012 until 29APR2016).
- Insufficient pilot’s experience – undetermined
The pilots had little experience with the GARMIN GTN 650 navigation system. The lack of familiarity with this equipment may have favored the misidentification of the approach fixes for Londrina. This way, it is possible that they have calculated their descent to the final approach fix (waypoint LO013), believing that it was the position relative to threshold 13 (waypoint RWY13).
- Decision-making process – undetermined
The decision to take off from Cuiabá to Londrina without the identification of the reason for the warning light to be ON in the alarm panel and the possible late declaration of the emergency condition showed little adequate decisions that may have increased the level of criticality of the occurrence.
- Support systems – undetermined
The similarity of the waypoints names in the RNAV procedure, associated with the lack of familiarity of the pilots with the new navigation system installed in the aircraft, may have confused the pilots as to their real position in relation to the runway.
Final Report:

Crash of a Beechcraft 300 Super King Air in Porto Seguro

Date & Time: Apr 21, 2016 at 1140 LT
Flight Type:
Rio de Janeiro – Porto Seguro
Crew on board:
Crew fatalities:
Pax on board:
Pax fatalities:
Other fatalities:
Total fatalities:
Captain / Total flying hours:
Captain / Total hours on type:
On final approach to Porto Seguro-Terravista Golf Club Airport Runway 15, the twin engine aircraft descended too low, causing the left main gear to impact the ground short of runway threshold. On impact, the left main landing gear was torn off. The aircraft slid on runway for few dozen metres then veered to the left and came to a halt. All 10 occupants evacuated safely and the aircraft was damaged beyond repair.
Probable cause:
The following factors were identified:
- Application of the commands - contributed
There was no effective action on the aircraft controls during the final approach to avoid a brutal impact with the ground prior to the runway threshold.
- Adverse weather conditions - undetermined
It is possible that the aircraft was under the effect of the phenomenon known as windshear, which affected the approach profil and the subsequent impact with the ground short of runway.
- Pilot judgement - contributed
The risks of a possible windshear during the final approach were not adequately considered by the pilot. The decision to proceed for the landing, to the detriment of the alternative recommended by experts to perform a missed approach, proved decisive for the development of the accident.
Final Report:

Crash of a Comp Air CA-9 in Campo de Marte: 7 killed

Date & Time: Mar 19, 2016 at 1523 LT
Type of aircraft:
Flight Phase:
Flight Type:
Campo de Marte – Rio de Janeiro
Crew on board:
Crew fatalities:
Pax on board:
Pax fatalities:
Other fatalities:
Total fatalities:
Captain / Total flying hours:
Shortly after takeoff from Campo de Marte Airport runway 30, the single engine airplane entered a right turn without gaining altitude. Less than one minute after liftoff, the aircraft impacted a building located in the Frei Machado Street, some 370 metres from runway 12 threshold. The aircraft was totally destroyed by impact forces and a post crash fire and all seven occupants were killed. One people on the ground was slightly injured. Owned by the Brazilian businessman Roger Agnelli, the aircraft was on its way to Santos Dumont Airport in Rio de Janeiro. Among the victims was Roger Agnelli, his wife Andrea, his both children John and Anna Carolina, the pilot and two other friends. They were enroute to Rio to take part to the wedding of the nephew of Mr. Agnelli.
Probable cause:
Contributing factors
- Pilot judgment - undetermined
The absence of manuals and performance charts to guide the operation and actions based only on empirical knowledge about the aircraft may have taken to an inadequate evaluation of certain parameters related to its operation. In this case, the performance of the aircraft under conditions of weight, altitude and high temperatures may have provided its conduction with reduced margins of safety during takeoff that resulted in the on-screen accident.
- Flight planning - undetermined
The informality present in the field of experimental aviation, associated with the absence of support systems, may have resulted in an inadequacy in the work of flight preparation, particularly with regard to performance degradation in the face of adverse conditions (high weight, altitude and temperature), compromising the quality of the planning carried out, thus contributing to it being carried out a takeoff under marginal conditions.
- Project - undetermined
During the PR-ZRA assembly process, changes were incorporated into the Kit's original design that directly affected the airplane's take-off performance. Since the submission of documentation related to in-flight testing or performance graphics was not required by applicable law, it is possible that the experimental nature of the project has enabled the operation of the aircraft based on
empirical parameters and inadequate to their real capabilities.
- Support systems - undetermined
The absence of a support system, in the form of publications that allowed obtaining equipment performance data in order to carry out proper planning, added risk to operations and may have led to an attempt to take off under unsafe conditions.
Final Report:

Crash of a Beechcraft C90 King Air in Oeiras

Date & Time: Mar 18, 2016 at 1630 LT
Type of aircraft:
Teresina - Oeiras
Crew on board:
Crew fatalities:
Pax on board:
Pax fatalities:
Other fatalities:
Total fatalities:
The twin engine airplane departed Teresina on a business flight to Floriano, carrying seven passengers and one pilot, among them Ciro Nogueira, Senator of the State of Piauí and Margarete Coelho, Vice-Governor of the State of Piauí. En route to Floriano, the pilot was informed about the deterioration of the weather conditions at destination and decided to divert to Oeiras Airfield. After touchdown on runway 11 that was wet due to recent rain falls, the aircraft started to skid. Control was lost and the aircraft veered off runway to the left and came to rest in a wooded area, some 10 metres from the runway. All eight occupants were rescued, among them one passenger was slightly injured. The aircraft was damaged beyond repair.
Probable cause:
Contributing factors:
- Application of commands - undetermined
It is possible that the pilot has not acted properly in the controls after touchdown to avoid a runway excursion.
- Flight indiscipline - contributed
Having landed on a non-approved runway, without justifiable reason, the crew member did not comply with the provisions of civil aviation regulations.
- Influence of the environment - undetermined
The wet and puddled runway may have affected directional control and aircraft braking performances during the landing roll.
- Pilot judgment - contributed
The crew member had not correctly assessed the risks involved in the operation in an unapproved runway, without justifiable reason. In addition, the pilot had no considering that the wet and puddle conditions of the runway could affect the directional control and braking performances of the aircraft.
- Decision-making process - contributed
The decision to land at an unapproved aerodrome, as well as having used a wet runway and the presence of puddles denoted an inadequate assessment of the risks present in the context. Failures related to decisions assumed by the pilot contributed to the occurrence insofar as they resulted in the entry of the aircraft into a critical condition, affecting its control.
Final Report:

Crash of an Embraer EMB-820C Navajo in Santa Isabel

Date & Time: Feb 16, 2016 at 1430 LT
Flight Phase:
Jacarepaguá – Campinas
Crew on board:
Crew fatalities:
Pax on board:
Pax fatalities:
Other fatalities:
Total fatalities:
En route, the pilot encountered an unexpected situation and attempted an emergency landing. After landing on a road in Santa Isabel, the airplane collided with various obstacles and came to rest. All three occupants evacuated safely and the airplane was damaged beyond repair.

Crash of a Socata TBM-900 off Florianópolis: 2 killed

Date & Time: Feb 1, 2016 at 0519 LT
Type of aircraft:
Flight Phase:
Flight Type:
Florianópolis – Ji-Paraná
Crew on board:
Crew fatalities:
Pax on board:
Pax fatalities:
Other fatalities:
Total fatalities:
Captain / Total flying hours:
Captain / Total hours on type:
Aircraft flight hours:
The single engine aircraft departed Florianópolis-Hercilio Luz Airport at 0515LT on a private flight to Ji-Paraná, carrying one passenger and one pilot. While climbing by night at an altitude of 3,600 feet, the pilot initiated a right turn. Then the aircraft completed a 360 turn and crashed in the sea off Campeche Island. Few debris were found the following morning floating on water and the main wreckage was found two weeks later. Both occupants were killed.
Probable cause:
Contributing factors:
- Application of commands – undetermined
Considering the hypothesis of spatial disorientation, of the disabling type, it is possible that the pilot has reached a situation of complete inability to operate correctly controls the aircraft in order to regain control of the flight.
- Attitude – undetermined
It is possible that the high subordination of the pilot to the requests of his boss has made it difficult for you to position yourself in relation to your limitation in flying at night and in instrument flight meteorological conditions.
- Disorientation – undetermined
Conditions favorable to disorientation, that is, the night flight over the sea, within clouds and manual operation, as well as the dynamics of the aircraft trajectory recorded by the radar, among other factors, make spatial disorientation the main hypothesis for the accident.
- Visual illusions – undetermined
It is also possible that the pilot suffered visual illusions when flying over the sea in night time. When not seeing the lighting on land, and being at night dark, with cloudiness, the pilot may have confused spatial references.
- Instruction – undetermined
It is possible that the lack of familiarity with the English language has made it difficult, in to some degree, knowledge of the resources, equipment and systems present in the aircraft, as well as in the instruction received in a flight simulator.
Final Report: