
Crash of a Douglas DC-9-32 in Madrid: 42 killed

Date & Time: Dec 7, 1983 at 0939 LT
Type of aircraft:
Flight Phase:
Madrid - Santander
Flight number:
Crew on board:
Crew fatalities:
Pax on board:
Pax fatalities:
Other fatalities:
Total fatalities:
Captain / Total flying hours:
Captain / Total hours on type:
Copilot / Total flying hours:
Copilot / Total hours on type:
Aircraft flight hours:
Aircraft flight cycles:
Boeing 727-256 EC-CFJ of Iberia, operating scheduled flight IB350 to Rome, and DC-9-32 EC-CGS of Aviaco, operating schedule AO134 to Santander, crashed on runway 01/19 at Madrid-Barajas Airport. The Boeing 727 had been cleared for takeoff on runway 01 and was at V1 speed. The DC-9 had been cleared to proceed to the holding point at runway 01 through the outer taxiway. The accident occurred approximately at 09h39:29 on December 7, 1983. As a result of the impact and instant fire, the DC-9 aircraft was totally destroyed, dying the whole of its occupants, 5 crew members and 37 passengers. The Boeing 727 aircraft lost almost all of its left wing and main gear of the same side, sliding on the runway about 460 meters, until its final stop, remaining facing the opposite direction of takeoff, on the left edge of runway 01. As a result of the impact and of the spilling of fuel from the left wing, there was an almost instant fire at the time o the crash, which subsequently destroyed the aircraft. 34 passengers and 8 crew members out of the 84 passengers and 9 crew members, survived. 50 passengers and one assistance crew member died as a result of the impact and fire. The conditions of visibility at the airport were of daylight and intense fog.
Probable cause:
The cause of the accident was the unknown incursion of the DC-9 on the runway 01/19 when the Boeing 727 was on takeoff roll. The DC-9 was on the active runway because visibility conditions due to fog, by the zone where the aircraft was taxiing, impeded to the crew obtain sufficient visual references, to determine that, that was not the correct run that they should realize to reach the threshold of runway 01.
Final Report:

Crash of a Vickers Viscount in Exeter

Date & Time: Jul 17, 1980 at 1953 LT
Type of aircraft:
Santander - Exeter
Crew on board:
Crew fatalities:
Pax on board:
Pax fatalities:
Other fatalities:
Total fatalities:
Captain / Total flying hours:
Captain / Total hours on type:
Copilot / Total flying hours:
Copilot / Total hours on type:
Aircraft flight hours:
The Vickers Viscount aircraft was engaged upon a passenger charter flight from Santander (SDR), Spain to Exeter (EXT). The aircraft arrived at Santander 8 minutes ahead of schedule, at 16:22. The aircraft commander recorded in the Technical Log a fuel state on shut down of 3178 litres and ordered a total fuel load of 5902 litres for the return flight, that is 454 litres less than the figure for full tanks. Whilst the aircraft commander was with the handling agents, the co-pilot supervised the refuelling. He requested a total uplift of 2720 litres and wrote the figures down, showing them to the senior of the two operators of the refuelling vehicle, which was not the one that had refuelled the aircraft on its earlier flight that day. On this previous flight, intermittent contact at the external electrical supply socket caused the aircraft's refuelling valve to open and close intermittently, interrupting the refuelling process. The refuelling was therefore completed using electrical power from the aircraft batteries. With the aircraft obtaining its electrical power from the same ground power unit as before apparently quite satisfactorily, the operators then refuelled the two sides of the aircraft one after the other, using the same hose each time. When the refueller finished pumping, its indicators recorded a total delivery of 2720 litres and the co-pilot, who had watched the operation, checked the figures and signed the delivery note accordingly. Neither pilot made a physical check of the aircraft's tanks using the dripsticks. Both fuel contents gauges had a history of defects. A recurrent problem in the port fuel gauge was recorded in the Technical Log as a deferred defect, expressed as 'port fuel contents gauge fluctuating occasionally, ie full scale deflection; rectification being carried forward until the next check'. The starboard gauge also had a defect. The aircraft commander did not draw the co-pilot's attention to this entry, who remained unaware of it. Before starting engines the pilots again set the flow meter totals at zero. The aircraft left Santander at 17:33 and was shortly afterwards cleared to its planned cruising level of Flight Level 180. The planned flight time was 2 hours and 9 minutes, with an expected fuel consumption of 3375 litres, leaving a reserve of 2527 litres. At 18:46 the aircraft passed over Nantes. The flow meters then indicated that 1964 litres had been consumed, which was exactly according to the navigation plan and the crew therefore recorded that at that moment 3320 kg (4150 litres) remained in the aircraft tanks. At approximately 19:10 whilst in the area of Dinard, the fuel contents gauges began to cause them some concern. The port gauge, with various fluctuations, occasionally fell to zero, but sometimes read full. The starboard gauge gave a reading equivalent to 500 litres and continued to fall steadily as the flight progressed. The pilots reviewed the fuel situation and although uneasy, considered that in the light of the recorded uplift and the totals on the flow meters, that they must have ample fuel on board. As the aircraft approached Guernsey the aircraft commander considered diverting there in order to take on more fuel, but after further thought decided against this action. At 19:28 when the aircraft was between Guernsey and Berry Head, it received initial descent clearance and shortly afterwards was further cleared to Flight Level 40 on a direct track for the Exeter NDB. At 19:42 the crew changed frequency to Exeter approach and started to receive radar positioning for runway 26. The cloud was given as one okta at 700 feet, 5 oktas at 1000 feet, and 7 oktas at 2500 feet, with a visibility of 13 kilometres and a surface wind of 280 degrees at 7 knots. At 19:44 the crew performed the approach checks, which included selecting flap to 20 degrees and switching on the fuel heaters. As fuel heat was selected, there was momentary flash from one of the two low pressure warning lights and after a brief discussion the crew opened the fuel crossfeed cocks, which had been closed since their pre-flight checks at Exeter. At 19:50 the aircraft was at 2000 feet QFE, just below cloud and about 8 miles from touchdown. The flap was still at 20 degrees and the undercarriage was retracted. Suddenly both low pressure fuel warning lights illuminated and in rapid succession all four engines lost power. The aircraft commander made an immediate Mayday call to Exeter and at the same time gave a warning on the passenger address system. Knowing the local terrain, the commander turned left in the best hope of finding a suitable area for a forced landing. With the flap still set at 20 degrees, the aircraft descended on a heading of approximately 190 degrees (magnetic) along a small grassy valley studded with trees, the average elevation of which was 130 feet amsl. As the aircraft crossed the boundary of the field, the port wing struck a tree, damaging the underskin and removing the mid section of the port flap. It then touched down with the nose well up, with the stall warning in operation and the control column hard back. The rear of the fuselage struck the ground first and almost simultaneously the port wing struck a tree causing a noticeable yaw to the left as the nose pitched down. Without hitting any further obstruction the aircraft came to rest after 307 metres on a heading of 074 degrees (magnetic). The crew assisted with the subsequent evacuation, which was orderly and there were no injuries. The total flight time since takeoff from Santander had been 2 hrs 20 minutes, with a fuel consumption, according to the flow meters, of 3458 litres. On examination, all fuel tanks were found to be empty.
Probable cause:
The accident was caused by the aircraft running out of fuel due to the crew's erroneous belief that there was on board sufficient fuel to complete the flight. The aircraft's unreliable fuel gauges, the company pilots' method of establishing the total fuel quantity and lack of precise company instructions regarding the use of dripsticks were major contributory factors. Meter indications on the refuelling vehicle at Santander, which cannot have reflected the quantity of fuel delivered, are also considered to have been a probable contributory factor.
Final Report:

Crash of a Miles M.57 Aerovan 4 in Novales: 4 killed

Date & Time: Sep 4, 1952
Type of aircraft:
Flight Phase:
Flight Type:
Llanes – Santander
Crew on board:
Crew fatalities:
Pax on board:
Pax fatalities:
Other fatalities:
Total fatalities:
While approaching Santander following an aerial photography mission, the twin engine aircraft crashed on a hilly terrain near Novales. All four occupants were killed.
Probable cause:
Loss of velocity.

Crash of a Junkers JU.52 off Santander: 5 killed

Date & Time: Aug 14, 1937
Type of aircraft:
Flight Phase:
Flight Type:
Crew on board:
Crew fatalities:
Pax on board:
Pax fatalities:
Other fatalities:
Total fatalities:
While bombing the harbor of Santander, the aircraft was probably shot down and crashed into the sea. All five crew members were killed.
Julio Ercilla García,
José Montel Toucet,
José Iñiguez Sánchez-Arjona,
José Luis Larrazábal Barrios,
Justo Pérez Vázquez.

Crash of a Dornier Do J Wal in Ferrol: 6 killed

Date & Time: Sep 3, 1930
Type of aircraft:
Flight Type:
Ferrol – Santander
Crew on board:
Crew fatalities:
Pax on board:
Pax fatalities:
Other fatalities:
Total fatalities:
The crew departed Ferrol on a flight to Santander to take part to manoeuvres. Few minutes after takeoff, while flying over Cape Ortegal, weather conditions deteriorated and due to an insufficient visibility caused by fog, the captain decided to return to Ferrol. While descending to Ferrol, the seaplane was too low and crashed on the slope of a mountain located near Cape Prioriño, west of Ferrol. The aircraft disintegrated on impact and all six crew members were killed.
Ens Fernando Cano-Manuel y Auberede
Mst Jaime Planas Pujol,
Mst Luis Azcárate Escudero,
Mst José Sánchez Mariscal,
Mst Manuel Rubio Rodríguez,
Cpl Juan Bautista Navarro Ros.
Probable cause:
Controlled flight into terrain.