Crash of a Let L-410UVP-E in San José: 5 killed
Date & Time:
Jan 15, 2000 at 1304 LT
San José - Tortuguero
86 16 20
Crew on board:
Crew fatalities:
Pax on board:
Pax fatalities:
Other fatalities:
Total fatalities:
After takeoff from San José-Tobías Bolaños Airport, en route to the Tortuguero National Park, while in initial climb, the aircraft stalled and crashed onto a house located in the district of Rohrmoser, about 3 km southeast of the airport. Four passengers were killed while 14 other occupants were injured, some seriously. Three people in the house, a nurse and two little girls were uninjured. Fifteen days after the accident, on January 30, the captain died from his injuries.
Probable cause:
Possible loss of longitudinal control of the aircraft in flight, due to not reaching the minimum climb speed, due to a wrong takeoff configuration as the flaps were retracted (zero position).
The following contributing factors were identified:
- Inadequate weight distribution that affected the position of the aircraft.
- The CofG was beyond the rear limit, out of the envelope.
- The crew failed to follow the pre-takeoff checklist.
- The total weight of the aircraft was above the MTOW.
- The high density altitude.
- Lack of supervision of the dispatch of the flight by the operator. (Absence of procedures).
- Self-induced pressure from the crew for an expeditious operation.
The following contributing factors were identified:
- Inadequate weight distribution that affected the position of the aircraft.
- The CofG was beyond the rear limit, out of the envelope.
- The crew failed to follow the pre-takeoff checklist.
- The total weight of the aircraft was above the MTOW.
- The high density altitude.
- Lack of supervision of the dispatch of the flight by the operator. (Absence of procedures).
- Self-induced pressure from the crew for an expeditious operation.
Final Report: