Crash of an ATR42-300 near Oksibil: 54 killed

Date & Time: Aug 16, 2015 at 1455 LT
Type of aircraft:
Flight Phase:
Jayapura - Oksibil
Flight number:
Crew on board:
Crew fatalities:
Pax on board:
Pax fatalities:
Other fatalities:
Total fatalities:
Captain / Total flying hours:
Captain / Total hours on type:
Copilot / Total flying hours:
Copilot / Total hours on type:
Aircraft flight hours:
Aircraft flight cycles:
An ATR 42-300 aircraft registered PK-YRN was being operated by PT Trigana Air Service on 16 August 2015 as scheduled passenger flight with flight number IL267 from Sentani to Oksibil. On board of this flight were 54 persons. This flight was the fifth flight of the day and the second flight from Sentani to Oksibil. The aircraft departed Sentani at 0522 UTC and estimated time of arrival Oksibil was at 0604 UTC. The Second in Command (SIC) acted as Pilot Flying while the Pilot in Command (PIC) acted as Pilot Monitoring. The weather at Oksibil reported that the cloud was broken (more than half area of the sky covered by cloud) and the cloud base was 8,000 feet (4,000 feet above airport elevation) and the visibility was 4 up to 5 km. The area of final approach path was covered by clouds. The flight cruising at 11,500 feet and at 0555 UTC, the pilot made first contact with Oksibil Aerodrome Flight Information Services (AFIS) officer, reported on descent at position Abmisibil and intended to direct left base leg runway 11. At 0600 UTC, Oksibil AFIS officer expected the aircraft would have been on final but the pilot had not reported, the AFIS officer contacted the pilot but did not reply. The AFIS officer informed Trigana in Sentani that they had lost contact with IL267. The aircraft wreckage was found on a ridge of Tanggo Mountain, Okbape District, Oksibil at approximately 8,300 feet AMSL at coordinates of 04°49’17.34” S, 140°29’51.18” E, approximately 10 NM from Oksibil Aerodrome on bearing of 306°. All occupants were fatally injured and the aircraft was destroyed by impact force and post impact fire. The Flight Data Recorder (FDR) and Cockpit Voice Recorder were recovered and transported to KNKT recorder facility. The recovery of FDR data was unsuccessful while the recovery of CVR data successfully retrieved accident flight data. The CVR did not record any crew briefing, checklist reading not EGPWS warning prior to impact. The CVR also did not record EGPWS altitude call out on two previous flights. The investigation concluded that the EGPWS was probably not functioning.
Probable cause:
The following findings were identified:
1. The aircraft had valid Certificate of Airworthiness and was operated within the weight and balance envelope.
2. All crew had valid licenses and medical certificates.
3. The flight plan form was filed with intention to fly under Instrument Flight Rule (IFR), at flight level 155, with route from Sentani to MELAM via airways W66 then to Oksibil. The MORA of W66 between Sentani to MELAM was 18,500 feet.
4. The flight was the 5th flight of the day for the crew with the same aircraft and the second flight on the same route of Sentani to Oksibil.
5. The CVR data revealed that the previous flight from Sentani to Oksibil the flight cruised at altitude of 11,500 feet and the approach was conducted by direct to left base runway 11.
6. The CVR data also revealed that on the accident flight, the flight cruised at altitude 11,500 feet and intended to direct left base leg runway 11 which was deviate from the operator visual guidance approach that described the procedure to fly overhead the airport prior to approach to runway 11.
7. The witness stated that most of the time, the flight crew deviated from the operator visual approach guidance. The deviation did not identify by the aircraft operator.
8. The downloading process to retrieve data from the FDR was unsuccessful due to the damage of the FDR unit that most likely did not record data during the accident flight. The repetition problems of the FDR unit showed that the aircraft operator surveillance to the repair station was not effective.
9. The CVR did not record any crew briefing, checklist reading and EGPWS altitude callout prior to land on two previous flights nor the EGPWS caution and warning prior to impact.
10. The spectrum analysis of the CVR determined that both engines were operating prior to the impact.
11. Several pilots, had behavior of pulling the EGPWS CB to eliminate the nuisance of EGPWS warning. The pilots stated that the reason for pulling the EGPWS CB was due to the pilots considered this warning activation was not appropriate for the flight conditions. The correction to this behavior was not performed prior to the accident.
12. The investigation could not determine the actual EGPWS CB position during the accident flight.
13. The installation of EGPWS by the aircraft operator was not conducted according to the Service Bulletin issued by the aircraft manufacturer.
14. The terrain data base installed in the EGPWS of PK-YRN was the version MK_VIII_Worldwide_Ver_471 that was released in 2014. The Oksibil Airport was not included in the high-resolution update in this version of terrain database.
15. The information for Oksibil published in AIP volume IV (Aerodrome for Light Aircraft/ALA) did not include approach guidance. The operator issued visual guidance of circling approach runway 11 for internal use.
16. The visual approach guidance chart stated that the minimum safe altitude was 8,000 feet while the aircraft impacted with terrain at approximately 8,300 feet. This indicated an incorrect information in the chart. The investigation considered that the pattern on the approach guidance chart was not easy to fly, as many altitudes and heading changes.
17. Several maintenance records such as component status installed on the aircraft and installation of EGPWS was not well documented. This indicated that the maintenance management was not well performed.
18. The investigation could not find any regulation that describes the pilot training requirement for any addition or modification of aircraft system which affect to the aircraft operation.
19. There was no information related to the status of ZX NDB published on NOTAM prior to the accident.
20. Several safety issues indicated that the organization oversight of the aircraft operator by the regulator was not well implemented.
Contributing Factors:
1. The deviation from the visual approach guidance in visual flight rules without considering the weather and terrain condition, with no or limited visual reference to the terrain resulted in the aircraft flew to terrain.
2. The absence of EGPWS warning to alert the crew of the immediate hazardous situation led to the crew did not aware of the situation.
Final Report:

Crash of a Pacific Aerospace PAC750XL in Ninia: 1 killed

Date & Time: Aug 12, 2015 at 0748 LT
Wamena – Ninia
Crew on board:
Crew fatalities:
Pax on board:
Pax fatalities:
Other fatalities:
Total fatalities:
Captain / Total flying hours:
Captain / Total hours on type:
Aircraft flight hours:
Aircraft flight cycles:
On 12 August 2015, a PAC-750XL aircraft, registered PK-KIG, was being operated by PT. Komala Indonesia on an unscheduled passenger flight from Wamena Airport (WAJW) Papua to Ninia Airstrip , Yahukimo, Papua that was located on radial 127° from Wamena with a distance of approximately 26 Nm. At 0733 LT (2233 UTC), the aircraft departed from Wamena Airport with an estimated time of arrival at Ninia of 2248 UTC. The flight was uneventful until approaching Ninia. On board the aircraft were one pilot, one engineer and 4 passengers. According to the pilot statement, an airspeed indicator malfunction occurred during flight. Video footage taken by a passenger showed that, during the approach at an altitude of approximately 6,500 feet, the airspeed indicators indicated zero and the aural stall warning activated. The aircraft then flew on the left side and parallel to the runway. Thereafter the aircraft climbed, turned left and impacted the ground about 200 meters south-west of the runway. The engineer on board was fatally injured, one passenger had minor injuries and the other occupants, including the pilot, were seriously injured. Two occupants were evacuated to a hospital in Jayapura Airport and four others, including the fatally injured, were evacuated to a hospital in Wamena.
Probable cause:
The following findings were identified:
1. Continuing the flight with both airspeed indicators unserviceable increased the complexity of the flight combined with high-risk aerodrome increased the pilot workload.
2. The improper corrective action at the time of the aural stall warning activating on the final approach, and the aircraft flew to insufficient area for a safe maneuver.
3. The unfamiliarity to the airstrip resulted in inappropriate subsequent escape maneuver and resulted in the aircraft stalling.
4. The pilot was not provided with appropriate training and familiarization to fly into a high-risk airstrip
Final Report:

Crash of a Lockheed KC-130B Hercules in Medan: 139 killed

Date & Time: Jun 30, 2015 at 1150 LT
Type of aircraft:
Flight Phase:
Flight Type:
Medan – Tanjung Pinang
Crew on board:
Crew fatalities:
Pax on board:
Pax fatalities:
Other fatalities:
Total fatalities:
Two minutes after takeoff from Medan-Soewondo AFB Airport Runway 23, while climbing in good weather conditions, the crew reported technical problem. The aircraft encountered difficulties to gain height, banked to the right, hit a utility pole and the roof of a building then crashed inverted in a huge explosion in a suburb located less than 5 km from the airport. The aircraft was destroyed by impact forces and a post crash fire and several buildings were destroyed as well. All 122 occupants as well as 17 people on the ground were killed. 20 others were injured. It is believed that an engine failed during initial climb.
1st Lt Sandi Permana, pilot,
1st Lt Pandu Setiawan, copilot,
Lt Dian Sukman P, copilot,
Cpt Riri Setiawan, navigator,
Serma Bambang H, radio operator,
Peltu Ibnu Kohar, flight engineer,
Pelda Andik S, flight engineer,
Peltu Ngateman, load master,
Peltu Yahya Komari,
Pelda Agus P,
Dan Prada Alvian.

Crash of a BAe ATP-F in Wamena

Date & Time: Mar 4, 2015 at 1515 LT
Type of aircraft:
Flight Type:
Jayapura – Wamena
Crew on board:
Crew fatalities:
Pax on board:
Pax fatalities:
Other fatalities:
Total fatalities:
Captain / Total flying hours:
Captain / Total hours on type:
Copilot / Total flying hours:
Copilot / Total hours on type:
Aircraft flight hours:
Aircraft flight cycles:
On 4 March 2015 a BAe-ATP registration PK-DGB operated by PT. Deraya Air as scheduled cargo flight from Sentani to Wamena Airport. On board of this flight was two pilots while the Pilot in Command (PIC) acted as pilot flying and First Officer (FO) acted as pilot monitoring. The aircraft departed Sentani at 0524 UTC to Wamena airport. The pilot contacted Wamena Tower controller while position on Jiwika way point at altitude 10,000 feet. Wamena Tower controller instructed to use runway 33 and to proceed to left runway 33. At 0602 UTC the pilot requested to proceed to Pyramid waypoint and to descend to 8,000 feet and made holding due to weather. At 0613, a C-130 pilot that was on approach reported making go around runway 33 and ATC instructed to C-130 pilot to proceed to Pyramid waypoint and hold. At 0619 UTC, Wamena Tower controller informed that the weather reported continuous heavy rain, visibility was reported 2 up to 3 km and wind was from 060° with velocity of 6 knots. The PK-DGB aircraft left Pyramid waypoint for approach runway 33. The aircraft proceed to left downwind and descent to 6,500 feet. During turning base leg, the pilot observed runway insight and continued the approach. At 0620 UTC, the aircraft touched down, thereafter veered off to the right of the runway and skid. The aircraft re-entered the runway at approximately 400 meters from beginning runway 33 and stopped near taxiway Delta at approximately 800 meters from beginning runway 33.

Crash of an Airbus A320-216 into the Java Sea: 162 killed

Date & Time: Dec 28, 2014 at 0618 LT
Type of aircraft:
Flight Phase:
Surabaya – Singapore
Flight number:
Crew on board:
Crew fatalities:
Pax on board:
Pax fatalities:
Other fatalities:
Total fatalities:
Captain / Total flying hours:
Captain / Total hours on type:
Copilot / Total flying hours:
Copilot / Total hours on type:
Aircraft flight hours:
Aircraft flight cycles:
The aircraft left Surabaya-Juanda Airport at 0535LT and climbed to its assigned altitude of FL320 that he reached 19 minutes later. The crew contacted ATC to obtain the authorization to climb to FL380 and to divert to 310° due to bad weather conditions. At 0617, the radio contact was lost with the crew and a minute later, the transponder stopped when the aircraft disappeared from the radar screen. At this time, the aircraft was flying at the altitude of 36,300 feet and its speed was decreasing to 353 knots. It is believed the aircraft crashed some 80 nautical miles southeast off the Pulau Belitung Island, some 200 km from the Singapore Control Area. The Indonesian Company confirmed there were 156 Indonesian Citizens on board, three South Korean, one Malaysian, one Singapore and one French (the copilot) as well. At the time of the accident, the weather conditions were marginal with storm activity, rain falls and turbulence in the area between Pulau Belitung and Kalimantan. First debris were spotted by the Indonesian Navy some 48 hours later, about 150 NM east-south-east off the Pulau Belitung Island. About forty dead bodies were found up to December 30. The tail was recovered on January 10, 2015 and the black boxes were localized a day later. On January 12 and 13 respectively, the DFDR and the CVR were out of water and sent to Jakarta for analysis and investigations.
Probable cause:
The cracking of a solder joint of both channel A and B resulted in loss of electrical continuity and led to RTLU (rudder travel limiter unit) failure.
The existing maintenance data analysis led to unresolved repetitive faults occurring with shorter intervals. The same fault occurred 4 times during the flight.
The flight crew action to the first 3 faults in accordance with the ECAM messages. Following the fourth fault, the FDR recorded different signatures that were similar to the FAC CB‟s being reset resulting in electrical interruption to the FAC‟s.
The electrical interruption to the FAC caused the autopilot to disengage and the flight control logic to change from Normal Law to Alternate Law, the rudder deflecting 2° to the left resulting the aircraft rolling up to 54° angle of bank.
Subsequent flight crew action leading to inability to control the aircraft in the Alternate Law resulted in the aircraft departing from the normal flight envelope and entering prolonged stall condition that was beyond the capability of the flight crew to recover.
Final Report:

Crash of a Quest Kodiak 100 in Doyo Baru: 2 killed

Date & Time: Apr 9, 2014 at 0940 LT
Type of aircraft:
Flight Phase:
Doyo Baru – Ninia
Crew on board:
Crew fatalities:
Pax on board:
Pax fatalities:
Other fatalities:
Total fatalities:
Captain / Total flying hours:
Captain / Total hours on type:
Aircraft flight hours:
Aircraft flight cycles:
A Kodiak-100 aircraft, registered PK-SDF, on 9 April 2014 was being operated by PT. Adventist Aviation Indonesia as non-schedule flight from Doyo Baru Airstrip with intended destination of Ninia Airstrip, Papua. On board in this flight were 7 persons consist of one pilot and six passengers. This flight was the fourth flights for the pilot who has performed flights from Doyo Baru (DOB) – Puldamat (PUL) at 2138-2228 UTC; Puldamat (PUL) –Soya (SOY) at 2243-2247 UTC; Soya (SOY) – Doyo Baru (DOB) at 2256-2344 UTC. The flight time to destination was estimated of 1 hour with cruising altitude of 10,000 feet and the fuel on board were sufficient for 4 hours flight time. Doyo Baru Airstrip located at approximately 10 NM North West of Sentani Airport (WAJJ). Air traffic movement to and from Doyo Baru Airstrip was controlled by Sentani Tower controller. At 0015 UTC, the pilot contacted to Sentani Tower controller, requested for start engine and clearance to fly to Ninia. The requests were approved and to report when ready for departure. At 0021 UTC, the pilot reported to the Sentani Tower controller ready for departure from Doyo Baru Airstrip. The Sentani Tower Controller instructed the pilot to hold to wait an aircraft took off from Sentani Airport. At 0024 UTC, the pilot received clearance for takeoff with additional traffic information and to report after airborne. At 0027 UTC, Sentani Tower controller has not received reports from the PK-SDF pilot and tried to call but was not responded. After several observations toward Doyo Baru area and did not see PK-SDF aircraft, The Sentani Tower controller reported to the Chief Section of Sentani Tower Air Navigation. At 0030 UTC, The Chief Section of Sentani Tower Air Navigation clarified the condition of PK-SDF aircraft to one of Indonesian Adventist Aviation pilot in Doyo Baru and obtained information that the aircraft had experienced in accident during takeoff at Doyo Baru. An engineer after received the information went to the accident site and saw appearance of white smoke came out from the side of the river which was known as the accident aircraft located. After arrived at the accident site the engineer saw the Adventist’s staffs and local people tried to extinguish the fire on the aircraft engine by throwing some water and used two fire extinguishers while some people moved the passengers from the wreckage. Two occupants including the pilot were fatally injured and five other passengers were seriously injured. All occupants were taken to Yowari Hospital (Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah – RSUD Yowari).
Probable cause:
Contributing Factors:
- The failure to airborne was due to the aircraft was not in correct takeoff configuration which required wing flap 20° while the flap was found at approximately 6° position during impact.
- The actions to recover the situation by selection of emergency power and flap were not proper for particular condition.
Final Report:

Crash of a Piper PA-31-350 Navajo Chieftain in Langgur: 4 killed

Date & Time: Jan 19, 2014 at 1225 LT
Flight Type:
Jayapura – Langgur – Kendari – Surabaya
Crew on board:
Crew fatalities:
Pax on board:
Pax fatalities:
Other fatalities:
Total fatalities:
Captain / Total flying hours:
Captain / Total hours on type:
Aircraft flight hours:
On 19 January 2014, a PA-31-350 Piper Chieftain, registered PK-IWT, was being operated by PT. Intan Angkasa Air Service, on positioning flight from Sentani Airport, Jayapura with intended destination of Juanda Airport, Surabaya for aircraft maintenance. The positioning flight was planned to transit at Dumatubun Airport Langgur of Tual, Maluku and Haluoleo Airport, Kendari at South East Sulawesi for refuelling. On the first sector, the aircraft departed Sentani Airport at 2351 UTC (0851 WIT) and estimated arrival at Langgur was 0320 UTC. On board on this flight was one pilot, two company engineers and one ground staff. At 0240 UTC the pilot contacted to the Langgur FISO, reported that the aircraft position was 85 Nm to Langgur Airport at altitude 10,000 feet and requested weather information. Langgur FISO acknowledged and informed that the weather was rain and thunderstorm and the runway in used was 09. When the aircraft passing 5,000 feet, the pilot contacted the Langgur FISO and reported that the aircraft position was 50 Nm from langgur and informed the estimated time of arrival was 0320 UTC. The Langgur FISO acknowledged and advised the pilot to contact when the aircraft was at long final runway 09. At 0318 UTC, the pilot contacted Langgur FISO, reported the position was 25 Nm to Langgur at altitude of 2,500 feet and requested to use runway 27. The Langgur FISO advised the pilot to contact on final runway 27. At 0325 UTC, Langgur FISO contacted the pilot with no reply. At 0340 UTC, Langgur FISO received information from local people that the aircraft had crashed. The aircraft was found at approximately 1.6 Nm north east of Langgur Airport at coordinate 5° 38’ 30.40” S; 132° 45’ 21.57” E. All occupants fatally injured and the aircraft destroyed by impact force and post impact fire. The aircraft was destroyed by impact forces and post impact fire, several parts of the remaining wreckage such as cockpit could not be examined due to the level of damage. The aircraft was not equipped with flight recorders and the communication between ATC and the pilot was not recorded. No eye witness saw the aircraft prior to impact. Information available for the investigation was limited. The analysis utilizes available information mainly on the wreckage information including the information of the wings, engines and propellers.
Probable cause:
The investigation concluded that the left engine most likely failed during approach and the propeller did not set to feather resulted in significant asymmetric forces. The asymmetric forces created yaw and roll tendency and the aircraft became uncontrolled, subsequently led the aircraft to impact to the terrain.
Final Report:

Crash of a Xian MA60 in Kupang

Date & Time: Jun 10, 2013 at 0954 LT
Type of aircraft:
Bajawa - Kupang
06 08
Flight number:
Crew on board:
Crew fatalities:
Pax on board:
Pax fatalities:
Other fatalities:
Total fatalities:
Captain / Total flying hours:
Captain / Total hours on type:
Copilot / Total flying hours:
Copilot / Total hours on type:
Aircraft flight hours:
Aircraft flight cycles:
On 10 June 2013, a Xi ‘An MA60 aircraft registered PK-MZO was being operated by PT. Merpati Nusantara Airlines on a scheduled passenger flight as MZ 6517. The aircraft departed from Bajawa Airport (WATB) Nusa Tenggara Timur, at 0102 UTC to El Tari (WATT) Kupang, Nusa Tenggara Timur. On board this aircraft were 2 pilots, 2 flight attendants with 46 passengers consisted of 45 adults and 1 infant. The flight was the second sectors for the aircraft and the crew on that day. The first flight was from Kupang to Bajawa Airport. During the flight the Second in Command (SIC) acted as the Pilot Flying (PF) and the Pilot in Command (PIC) as the Pilot Monitoring (PM). The flight from the departure until commencing for approach was un-eventful. At 0122 UTC, the pilot made first communication with El Tari Control Tower controller (El Tari Tower) and reported their position was on radial 298° 110 Nm from KPG VOR and maintaining 11,500 ft. The pilot received information that the runway in use was 07 and the weather information (wind 110° 11 kts, visibility 10 km, weather NIL, cloud few 2,000 ft, temperature 30° C, dew point 22° C, QNH 1010 mbs and QFE 998 mbs). At 0133 UTC, the aircraft was on radial 297° 68 Nm from KPG VOR and the pilot ready to descend and approved by El Tari Tower to descend to 5,000 ft. At 0138 UTC, the pilot reported the aircraft was passing 10,500 ft and stated that the flight was on Visual Meteorological Condition (VMC). At 0150 UTC, the aircraft position was on left base runway 07 at 5 Nm from KPG VOR. The El Tari Tower had visual contact with the aircraft and issued a landing clearance with additional information that the wind condition was 120° at 14 kts, QNH 1010 mbs. At 0151 UTC, the pilot reported that their position was on final and the El Tari Tower re-issued the landing clearance. The Flight Data Recorder (FDR) recorded that the left power lever was in the range of BETA MODE while the aircraft altitude was approximately 112 ft and followed by the right power lever at 90 ft until hit the ground. At 0154 UTC, the aircraft touched down at about 58 meters and halted on the runway at about 261 meters from the beginning of runway 07. The vertical deceleration recorded on FDR was 5.99 G and followed by - 2.78 G. After the aircraft stopped, the flight attendants assessed the situation and decided to evacuate the passengers through the rear main entrance door. One pilot and four passengers who seated on row number three, seven and eight suffered serious injury. On 11 June 2013, the aircraft was evacuated from the runway and moved to the Air Force hangar at 2100 UTC.
Probable cause:
The following contributing factors were identified:
- The procedure of selecting Power Lever Lock to “OPEN” during approach was made without comprehensive risk assessment.
- Both power levers entered BETA MODE at 90 feet due to the safety device namely Power Lever Lock has been opened during approach, which was in accordance to the operator procedure and lifting of Mechanical Power Lever Stop Slot which was not realized by the pilots.
- The movement of power levers to BETA MODE resulted the pitch angle changed to low pitch angle which produced significant drag and made the aircraft loss of significant lift.
Final Report:

Crash of a BAe ATP in Wamena

Date & Time: May 31, 2013 at 0709 LT
Type of aircraft:
Flight Type:
Jayapura - Wamena
Crew on board:
Crew fatalities:
Pax on board:
Pax fatalities:
Other fatalities:
Total fatalities:
Captain / Total flying hours:
Captain / Total hours on type:
Copilot / Total flying hours:
Copilot / Total hours on type:
Aircraft flight hours:
Aircraft flight cycles:
On 31 May 2013 aircraft BAe ATP freighter registered PK-DGI operated by PT. Deraya as scheduled cargo/ freight flight from Sentani Airport (WAJJ) to Wamena Airport (WAJW), Papua. On board in this flight were the Pilot in Command (PIC) acted as Pilot Flying (PF) and the Second in Command (SIC) acted as Pilot Monitoring (PM). At 2127 UTC (0627 LT) the aircraft departed from Sentani Airport. The aircraft cruised at 12,000 feet (FL 120)and estimated time of arrival Wamena Airport was 2207 UTC (0707 LT). The first pilot contact with Wamena Tower controller was at 2201 UTC, the aircraft position was approaching Pass Valley point, the controller informed that runway 15 expect to be used and the weather condition was wind calm, visibility 4 Km, low cloud at final area and QNH 1008 mbs. There was no specific of approach and landing briefing by pilot flying to the pilot non flying considering to such weather condition. At 2207 UTC, the pilot reported the position was on final runway 15. The controller requested the information of the flight condition and the pilot reported that the runway has not insight. At 2209 UTC, the pilot reported that the runway was insight and the controller provided the clearance to land and 25 seconds later the aircraft touched down on the centerline. During the landing roll at about 750 meters from the beginning of runway 15 the aircraft veered to the left of the runway shoulder, the pilot recovered by applying the right rudder and asymmetry reverses thrust but the aircraft continued veer to the left and stopped at about 10 meters on the left shoulder of the runway 15. On the landing roll, the FDR recorded that the left engine torque greater then right engine torque. The pilot shutdown both engines normally and evacuated the aircraft safely. The nose landing gear detached and found on the shoulder at about 250 meter from the aircraft final position. The main landing gears broken and all the propellers bent. No injured in this occurrence.
Probable cause:
The following contributing factors were identified:
- The flight did not meet the criteria according to the recommended elements of stabilized approach which required go around.
- The aircraft touched down with 2° misalignment with the runway direction then the aircraft veered off to the left.
- The recovery action was not in accordance to the correct technique according to the ALAR Tool Kit.
Final Report: