Crash of a Douglas C-118A Liftmaster in San Manuel
Date & Time:
Apr 28, 1984 at 1630 LT
Saint Petersburg – Chandler
Crew on board:
Crew fatalities:
Pax on board:
Pax fatalities:
Other fatalities:
Total fatalities:
Captain / Total hours on type:
The aircraft skidded off the departure end of the runway collapsing the landing gear in a ditch as it caught on fire. This aircraft was on a ferry flight and had several mechanical problems. Among these was the prop reversers which failed on landing. The anti-ice/de-ice systems failed to work properly which contributed to the need to land short of destination. The copilot reported that she did not check the anti-icing equipment on pre-flight. She was also not qualified to be a copilot on this flight. The airspeed indicators were malfunctioning during landing. The crew members all said that they knew the airspeed was much too high. The copilot said she could not understand how the pilot thought he could land at such a high speed. She also said he called for reverse and applied brakes too late in the rollout.
Probable cause:
Occurrence #1: overrun
Phase of operation: landing - roll
1. (f) weather condition - tailwind
2. (c) wrong runway - selected - pilot in command
3. (f) pressure induced by others - pilot in command
4. (f) propeller system/accessories,reversing system - failure,partial
5. (c) airspeed - excessive - pilot in command
6. (f) anti-ice/deice system,windshield - inoperative
7. (c) proper touchdown point - not attained - pilot in command
8. (c) operation with known deficiencies in equipment - performed - pilot in command
9. (f) precautionary landing - premature - pilot in command
10. (c) judgment - poor - pilot in command
11. (f) procedures/directives - not followed - pilot in command
Occurrence #2: main gear collapsed
Phase of operation: landing - roll
12. (f) landing gear, main gear - overload
Phase of operation: landing - roll
1. (f) weather condition - tailwind
2. (c) wrong runway - selected - pilot in command
3. (f) pressure induced by others - pilot in command
4. (f) propeller system/accessories,reversing system - failure,partial
5. (c) airspeed - excessive - pilot in command
6. (f) anti-ice/deice system,windshield - inoperative
7. (c) proper touchdown point - not attained - pilot in command
8. (c) operation with known deficiencies in equipment - performed - pilot in command
9. (f) precautionary landing - premature - pilot in command
10. (c) judgment - poor - pilot in command
11. (f) procedures/directives - not followed - pilot in command
Occurrence #2: main gear collapsed
Phase of operation: landing - roll
12. (f) landing gear, main gear - overload
Final Report: