Crash of a Piper PA-46-350P Malibu Mirage JetProp DLX in Sézenove: 1 killed

Date & Time: Jan 30, 2015 at 1201 LT
Flight Phase:
Flight Type:
Geneva - Genk
Crew on board:
Crew fatalities:
Pax on board:
Pax fatalities:
Other fatalities:
Total fatalities:
Captain / Total flying hours:
Captain / Total hours on type:
Aircraft flight hours:
The pilot, sole on board, departed Geneva-Cointrin Airport on a private flight to Genk-Zwartberg Airport where the aircraft was supposed to follow a maintenance program. The single engine aircraft departed runway 23 at 1157LT and continued to climb in IMC conditions. About 30 seconds after he was transferred to the departure frequency, the pilot was cleared to climb to FL090. At an altitude of 4,200 feet and at a speed of 142 knots, the aircraft climbed steeply then veered to the left. About 12 seconds later, the aircraft stopped to climb and another period of 8 seconds was necessary to stabilize and to follow the route. At 1159LT, the aircraft deviated to the left during 20 seconds, drifting about 555 metres from the runway axis. After following various headings with huge variations in ground speed and altitude, the aircraft entered an uncontrolled descent and crashed in an open field located in Sézenove, about 7,8 km southwest from Geneva-Cointrin Airport runway 05 threshold. The aircraft disintegrated on impact and the pilot was killed.
Probable cause:
The accident was due to a loss of control that brought the aircraft into unusual attitudes, which the pilot was unable to restore and which led to his fall. The insufficient skills of the pilot when faced with a high performance aircraft, whose systems are complex, contributed to the occurrence of the accident.
Final Report:

Crash of a Raytheon 390 Premier I in Annemasse: 2 killed

Date & Time: Mar 4, 2013 at 0839 LT
Type of aircraft:
Flight Phase:
Flight Type:
Annemasse - Geneva
Crew on board:
Crew fatalities:
Pax on board:
Pax fatalities:
Other fatalities:
Total fatalities:
Captain / Total flying hours:
Captain / Total hours on type:
Aircraft flight hours:
Aircraft flight cycles:
On Monday 4 March 2013, the pilot and two passengers arrived at Annemasse aerodrome (France) at about 7 h 00. They planned to make a private flight of about five minutes to Geneva airport on board the Beechcraft Premier 1A, registered VP-CAZ. The temperature was -2°C and the humidity was 98% with low clouds. The aeroplane had been parked on the parking area of the aerodrome since the previous evening. At 7 h 28, the Geneva ATC service gave the departure clearance for an initial climb towards 6,000 ft with QNH 1018 hPa towards the Chambéry VOR (CBY). At about 7 h 30, when the CVR recording of the accident flight started, the engines had already been started up. At about 7 h 34, the pilot called out the following speeds that would be used during the takeoff roll:
- V1 : 101 kt
- VR : 107 kt
- V2 : 120 kt.
At about 7 h 35, the pilot performed the pre-taxiing check-list. During these checks, he called out “anti-ice ON”, correct operation of the flight controls, and the position of the flaps on 10°.
Taxiing towards runway 12 began at 7 h 36. At 7 h 37 min 43, the pilot called out the end of the takeoff briefing, then activation of the engine anti-icing system. At 7 h 38 min 03, the pilot called out the start of the takeoff roll. Fifteen seconds later, the engines reached takeoff thrust. The aeroplane lifted off at 7 h 38 min 37. Several witnesses stated that it adopted a high pitch-up attitude, with a low rate of climb. At 7 h 38 min 40, the first GPWS “Bank angle - Bank angle” warning was recorded on the CVR. It indicated excessive bank. A second and a half later, the pilot showed his surprise by an interjection. It was followed by the aural stall warning that lasted more than a second and a further GPWS “Bank angle - Bank angle” warning. At about 7 h 38 min 44, the aeroplane was detected by the Dole and Geneva radars at a height of about 80 ft above the ground. Other “Bank Angle” warnings and stall warnings were recorded on the CVR on several occasions. Several witnesses saw the aeroplane bank sharply to the right, then to the left. At 7 h 38 min 49 the aeroplane was detected by the radars at a height of about 150 ft above the ground. At 07 h 38 min 52, the main landing gear struck the roof of a first house. The aeroplane then collided with the ground. During the impact sequence, the three landing gears and the left wing separated from the rest of the aeroplane. The aeroplane slid along the ground for a distance of about 100 m before colliding with a garden shed, a wall and some trees in the garden of a second house. The aeroplane caught fire and came to a stop. The pilot and the passenger seated to his right were killed. The female passenger seated at the rear was seriously injured. According to the NTSB and BEA, the airplane was owned by Chakibel Associates Limited n Tortola and operated by Global Jet Luxembourg.
Probable cause:
The pilot’s insufficient appreciation of the risks associated with ground-ice led him to take off with contamination of the critical airframe surfaces. This contaminant deposit then caused the aerodynamic stall of the aeroplane and the loss of control shortly after lift-off.
Final Report: