Crash of a Boeing B-50D-110-BO Superfortress in Biggs AAF: 1 killed

Date & Time: Apr 18, 1951
Type of aircraft:
Flight Phase:
Flight Type:
Biggs - Biggs
Crew on board:
Crew fatalities:
Pax on board:
Pax fatalities:
Other fatalities:
Total fatalities:
Shortly after takeoff from Biggs AAF, while in initial climb, the aircraft suffered a technical issue and crashed two miles from the airfield. The navigator was killed.

Crash of a North American TB-25J Mitchell in Ellington AFB

Date & Time: Apr 2, 1951
Flight Type:
Ellington - Ellington
Crew on board:
Crew fatalities:
Pax on board:
Pax fatalities:
Other fatalities:
Total fatalities:
On final approach to Ellington AFB, an engine failed. The aircraft belly landed one mile short of runway and came to rest in a field. There were no casualties but the aircraft was damaged beyond repair.
Probable cause:
Engine failure.

Crash of a Douglas C-47A-90-DL off Matagorda Island AFB

Date & Time: Mar 27, 1951
Flight Type:
Crew on board:
Crew fatalities:
Pax on board:
Pax fatalities:
Other fatalities:
Total fatalities:
On final approach to Matagorda Island AFB, the airplane crashed into the Espiritu Santo Bay, about 1,8 mile north of the airfield. There were no casualties.

Crash of a Boeing B-29-95-BW Superfortress near Randolph AFB: 6 killed

Date & Time: Jan 11, 1951
Type of aircraft:
Flight Type:
Randolph - Randolph
Crew on board:
Crew fatalities:
Pax on board:
Pax fatalities:
Other fatalities:
Total fatalities:
After a seven hours training flight, the crew was on his way back to Randolph AFB when he encountered marginal weather conditions. While approaching the airfield at an altitude of 8,000 feet, the pilot disconnected the automatic pilot system and continued on instruments through an overcast. Shortly later, he reported losing all flight instruments and the aircraft became uncontrollable. Five crew members were able to bail out before the aircraft crashed in a huge explosion about 10 miles southeast of the airbase. The six crew members on board were killed.

Crash of a Convair B-36B-1-CF Peacemaker near Crowley: 2 killed

Date & Time: Nov 22, 1950 at 0950 LT
Type of aircraft:
Flight Phase:
Flight Type:
Carswell - Carswell
Crew on board:
Crew fatalities:
Pax on board:
Pax fatalities:
Other fatalities:
Total fatalities:
Aircraft Commander 1st Lt. Oliver Hildebrandt, Pilot 1st Lt. Walter Ross, and Co-pilot Captain Wilbur Evans, and a crew of thirteen took off from Carswell AFB in B-36B, 44-92035 of the 26th Bomb Squadron of the 7th Bomb Wing at 5:05 A.M. on November 22,1950. The planned 30-hour training mission consisted of air-to-air gunnery, bombing, simulated radar bombing, and navigational training. Immediately after take-off, the #4 alternator would not stay in parallel with the other three alternators, so it was taken off-line and de-excited three minutes into the flight. About one minute after the #4 alternator was shut down, flames 8 to 12 feet long erupted from around the air plug of the number-one engine. The left scanner reported the flames to the pilot. Six minutes after take-off, the flight engineer shut down the number-one engine, feathered its propeller, and expended one of its Methyl bromide fire extinguishing bottles. The mission continued on the power of the remaining five engines. 44-92035 cruised to the gunnery range on Matagorda Island at an altitude of 5,000 feet. It arrived at 7:00 A.M. and the gunners began practicing. Radar Observer S/Sgt. Ray Earl manned the tail turret. The charger for the right gun burned out, so he expended just half of his ammunition. Then the APG-3 radar for the tail turret started acting up, so S/Sgt. Earl secured the set. Aircraft Commander 1st Lt. Oliver Hildebrandt noted that the vibration from firing the 20mm cannons increased significantly during the fourth gunnery pass. Immediately afterward, radar operator Captain James Yeingst notified Hildebrandt that the APQ-24 radar set blew up and was smoking. Vibration from the firing of the guns was causing shorting between the internal components of the radar. Then the liaison transmitter failed as well. The cannons in the left forward upper turret and the left rear upper turret stopped firing. The gunners attempted to retract the gun turrets, but the failed turrets would not retract. Gunner S/Sgt. Fred Boyd entered the turret bay, but other problems began to take precedence over the stuck turrets. Boyd was called out of the bay before he could manually crank the turret down. At 7:31 A.M. the number-three engine suffered an internal failure. The torque pressure fell to zero. The manifold pressure dropped to atmospheric pressure. The fuel flow dropped off, and the flight engineer could not stabilize the engine speed. The pilot shut down the number-three engine and feathered its propeller. The B-36B had only one operating engine on the left wing, so the pilot aborted the remainder of the training mission and set course for Kelly Air Force Base. Flight engineer Captain Samuel Baker retarded the spark, set the mixture controls to "normal", and set the engine RPMs to 2,500 to increase the power from the remaining engines. Unknown to Captain Baker, the vibration from the guns had disabled the electrical systems controlling the spark settings and fuel mixture. He immediately discovered that the turbo control knobs no longer affected the manifold pressure. The B-36B could not maintain its airspeed on the power of the four remaining engines. It descended about 1,000 feet and its airspeed bled off to 135 miles per hour. The pilot called for more power. The flight engineer attempted to increase engine speed to 2,650 RPM and enrich the fuel mixture, but got no response from the engines except for severe backfiring. The fuel mixture indicators for all of the engines indicated lean. The second flight engineer, M/Sgt. Edward Farcas, checked the electrical fuse panel. Although the fuses appeared to be intact, he replaced the master turbo fuse and all of the individual turbo fuses. He noticed that the turbo-amplifiers and mixture amplifiers were all cooler than normal. He climbed into the bomb bay to check the aircraft power panels and fuses, but could not find any problem there. Kelly Air Force Base had a cloud overcast at just 300 feet and the visibility was restricted to two miles. The weather at Bergstrom Air Force Base not as bad, with scattered clouds at 1,000 feet, broken clouds at 2,000 feet and 10 miles visibility. Carswell Air Force Base was clear with 10 miles visibility, but it was 155 miles farther away than Bergstrom. Air traffic control cleared all airspace below 4,000 feet aead of the crippled B-36B. Aircraft Commander Hildebrandt was flying on instruments in thick clouds. The poor weather at Kelly Air Force Base convinced Hildebrandt to change course from Kelly to Carswell Air Force Base, passing by Bergstrom Air Force Base on the way in case the airplane could not make it to Carswell. Bombardier Captain Robert Nelson made two attempts to salvo the 1,500 pounds of practice bombs in the rear bomb bay, but the bomb bay doors would not open by automatic or manual control, or emergency procedure. There was no way to dump fuel to reduce the weight of the B-36B. The flight engineers resorted to holding down the switches used to prime the fuel system in an attempt to increase fuel flow to the engines. M/Sgt. Edward Farcas held down the prime switches for the number-two and number-four engines while Captain Baker held down the prime switch for the number-five engine and operated the flight engineer's panel. The configuration of the switches did not allow them to prime the number-five engine and the number-six engine at the same time. The high power demand coupled with the lean fuel mixture made the cylinder head temperatures of the engines climb to 295 degrees C. Flight engineer Baker jockeyed the throttles, decreasing the throttle setting of the engine with the highest cylinder head temperature until another engine grew even hotter. The high temperature caused the gasoline/air mixture in the cylinders to detonate before the pistons reached top dead center, diminishing power and damaging the engines. Despite the critical situation with the engines, Aircraft Commander Hildebrandt decided to continue past Bergstrom Air Force Base to Carswell. Bergstrom was overcast and its runway was only 6,000 feet long. Carswell offered a much longer runway. By the time the B-36B reached Cleburne, the backfiring on all engines increased in violence. The number-2, number-5, and number-6 engines were running at 70% power and the number-4 engine was producing only 20% power. The airspeed had dropped off to 130 miles per hour. Aircraft Commander Hildebrandt attempted to restart the number-one engine, the one that had spouted flames on take-off, but fuel was not getting to its induction system. He tried to restart the number-three engine, but could not unfeather the propeller on that engine. As the bomber passed to the west of Cleburne, the right scanner reported dense white smoke, oil, and metal particles coming from the number-five engine. After a short while the number-five engine lost power, and Aircraft Commander Hildebrandt feathered the propeller on that engine while still twenty-one miles from Carswell Air Force Base. The B-36B could not stay airborne on the power of the three remaining failing engines. It was flying at just 125 miles per hour, seven miles per hour above the stall speed, losing both altitude and airspeed. Howard McCullough and W. Boeten were flying Civil Aeronautics Authority DC-3 N342 near Cleburne. They were notified by Meacham Tower to be on the lookout for 44-92035. They spotted it about five miles south of Cleburne. They observed that the number-one and number-three propellers were feathered and the number-five engine was on fire. They turned to follow the descending bomber. Aircraft Commander Hildebrandt ordered the crew to bail out of the stricken bomber. Bombardier Captain Robert Nelson had bailed out of airplanes on two previous occasions. He had crash landed twice and ditched once. He was the first man to bail out from the forward crew compartment. He suffered contusions of his lower spine when he landed. Radar Operator Captain James Yeingst responded to stress with laughter and jokes. He was a bit giddy before the bailout. He was the second man to exit from the forward crew compartment. His parachute streamed after he pulled the rip cord. He passed Captain Nelson going down. Captain Yeingst's parachute mushroomed open just before he hit the ground, but he suffered fatal injuries. Co-pilot Captain Wilbur Evans was the third man to exit from the forward crew compartment. He had bailed out of airplanes twice before and crash landed several times during WW-II. This time he broke both bones in his lower right leg when he landed. Navigator Captain Horace Stewart had previously tried to get off flying status because he felt that the B-36 was too dangerous. It is reported that during the hour before bailout, he was tense, nervous, and chain-smoking. He was the fourth man to bail out from the forward crew compartment. He pulled his rip cord right as he exited the forward escape hatch on the left side of the fuselage. His parachute opened and pulled him toward the number three propeller. His head hit the downward pointing blade of the propeller, killing him instantly. Radio Operator Cpl. Paul Myers followed Captain Stewart out the escape hatch. Myers landed with minor injuries. Flight Engineer M/Sgt. Edward Farcas jumped head first through the exit hatch of the forward crew compartment right after Cpl. Myers. His parachute did not open when he pulled the rip cord. He pulled the parachute out of its pack with his hands and landed with only minor injuries. Radar Mechanic Robert Gianerakis and Flight Engineer Captain Samuel Baker were the next to escape from the forward compartment. Both landed with only minor injuries. Radio Operator Sgt. Armando Villareal bailed out after Captain Baker. Villareal did not trust his parachute to open, so he pulled the rip cord while he was still in the forward crew compartment. He held his parachute in his arms as he jumped feet first through the escape hatch. Despite his unorthodox method of escape, he landed with only minor injuries. Pilot 1st Lt. Walter Ross was the next to last to leave the forward compartment. He landed with only minor injuries. Gunner S/Sgt. Andrew Byrne and Radar Observer S/Sgt. Ray Earl were the first two crew members to bail out of the rear crew compartment. Both landed with only minor injuries. Gunner Cpl. Calvin Martin was the third man to exit the rear crew compartment. He was swinging under his parachute as he hit the ground. He broke his right ankle as he landed. He fell backward onto a rock, fracturing his third lumbar vertebra and compressing his tailbone. Gunner S/Sgt. Ronald Williams followed Cpl. Martin out the rear escape hatch. He landed with only minor injuries. Gunner S/Sgt. Fred Boyd was the last man to exit the rear crew compartment. He called to Aircraft Commander Hildebrandt over the intercom to let him know that everyone had escaped from the aft compartment. When he turned back to the exit hatch, it had fallen shut. He had to open the hatch again to make his escape. He broke the fibula of his left leg when he landed farther to the north than the other crew members. After S/Sgt. Boyd reported that all other crew members had bailed out of the rear compartment, Aircraft Commander Hildebrandt set the autopilot and jumped clear when the bomber was less than 1,000 feet above the ground. He and nine other crew members escaped from the B-36B with only minor injuries. When McCullough and Boeten in DC-3, N342 saw the parachutes of the escaping crew members, they announced the bail-out on the emergency frequency of 121.25 megacycles. Each Report of Emergency Parachute Jump indicates that the incident occurred 20 miles south southeast of Carswell Air Force Base. The descent of the B-36B was witnessed by Mr. Buck Bell and his wife, who lived about 5 to 7 miles southwest of Crowley, Texas. Mr. Bell saw the crew members parachuting from the bomber, but did not see it hit the ground about one mile north of his house. Mr. James Bandy and his wife were on the road to Cleburne about 4 miles from their house on Route 1 near Joshua when they spotted the B-36B trailing smoke, flying in a nose-high attitude. They saw it hit the ground in a level attitude, raising a cloud of dust. The B-36B descended straight ahead in a nose-high attitude for a mile after Aircraft Commander Hildebrandt bailed out. It stalled, pitched nose down, and impacted in a terraced field on Less Armstrong's Dairy, 14 miles south of Carswell Air Force Base, 2 miles west of the South leg FTW range, and six miles west of Crowley at 9:50 in the morning. The forward crew compartment separated and folded underneath the rest of the fuselage. The tail section broke off, and the rear crew compartment came away from the mid-fuselage as the wreckage slid 850 feet along the ground and twisted to the right. The rear sections of the airplane remained largely intact. The elevation at the crash site was approximately 700 feet. Mr. W. Doggett witnessed the bail-out and crash from his home on Route 1 near Joshua. The B-36B impacted about 2-1/2 miles north of his house. He drove to the crash site in his pickup truck and helped the surviving crew members to regroup. Four minute after the crash, McCullough and Boeten in DC-3, N342 reported that two Navy aircraft were circling the wreckage. The wreckage smoldered for about eight minutes before a fire broke out in the number-six engine. The 15,000 gallons of remaining fuel consumed the forward fuselage and wings. The civilians and crew members were driven away from the crash site by exploding ammunition and the knowledge of the presence of 1,500 pounds of bombs aboard the airplane. Three helicopters arrived at the scene within an hour and twenty minutes of the crash.
Source : wrecks.htm#44-92035
Probable cause:
It was felt that a conventional cable-driven, back-up mixture control system would have prevented this accident.

Crash of a Boeing B-29A-65-BN Superfortress near Seguin: 8 killed

Date & Time: Oct 19, 1950
Type of aircraft:
Flight Phase:
Flight Type:
Randolph - Randolph
Crew on board:
Crew fatalities:
Pax on board:
Pax fatalities:
Other fatalities:
Total fatalities:
The crew was completing a local training mission from Randolph AFB near Seguin. In flight, while cruising in cloudy conditions, the pilot lost control of the aircraft that dove into the ground and crashed in a field located five miles northeast of Seguin. All eight crew members were killed. Spatial disorientation on part of the pilot in command is suspected.

Crash of a Boeing RB-29A-70-BN Superfortress in Carswell AFB: 4 killed

Date & Time: Aug 14, 1950
Type of aircraft:
Flight Type:
Crew on board:
Crew fatalities:
Pax on board:
Pax fatalities:
Other fatalities:
Total fatalities:
On final approach to Carswell AFB, the airplane crashed in flames for unknown reason. Four crew members were killed while eight others were rescued. The plane was assigned to 324th Strategic Reconnaissance Squadron, 91st Strategic Reconnaissance Group.

Crash of a Douglas C-47B-45-DK in Leon Springs: 2 killed

Date & Time: Apr 26, 1950
Flight Phase:
Flight Type:
Kelly - Kelly
Crew on board:
Crew fatalities:
Pax on board:
Pax fatalities:
Other fatalities:
Total fatalities:
Control was lost in flight following a structural failure. The aircraft dove into the ground and crashed in a field located 2.5 miles east of Leon Springs. Both pilots were killed.
Probable cause:
Structural failure.

Crash of a Martin PBM-5 Mariner off Galveston: 9 killed

Date & Time: Feb 10, 1950
Type of aircraft:
Flight Phase:
Crew on board:
Crew fatalities:
Pax on board:
Pax fatalities:
Other fatalities:
Total fatalities:
While performing a maritime patrol flight over the Gulf of Mexico, the seaplane crashed in unknown circumstances off the Texas coasts. Debris were found few days later on a beach near Galveston. All nine crew members were killed.

Crash of a Douglas DC-6 in Dallas: 28 killed

Date & Time: Nov 29, 1949 at 0549 LT
Type of aircraft:
New York – Washington DC – Dallas – Mexico City
Flight number:
Crew on board:
Crew fatalities:
Pax on board:
Pax fatalities:
Other fatalities:
Total fatalities:
Aircraft flight hours:
Flight 157 originated at LaGuardia Field, New York, for Mexico City, Mexico, with stops scheduled at Washington, D C., and Dallas, Tex. Departure from LaGuardia was at 2147, November 28 Between LaGuardia and Washington the flight was reported to be uneventful with all of the aircraft's components functioning normally. At Washington, a flight plan was filed with, and approved by, Airway Route Traffic Control It specified Instrument Flight Rules to Dallas, with Wichita Falls, Tex, as the alternate, a cruising altitude of 18,000 feet, and a flight time of 5 hours and 4 minutes The gross height of the aircraft at takeoff was 82,298 pounds, which was 3,577 pounds less than the maximum allowable gross weight of 85,875 pounds, and the disposable load was distributed so that the center of gravity was within prescribed limits. At 0206 the flight requested and received permission to change its flight plan to Visual Flight Rules A posit-,on report was made over Nashville at 16,000 feet at 0254 and a descent was started to 6,000 feet When approaching Nashville, 1 No 1 engine had started backfiring at intervals of about 20 seconds Various corrective measures, including the application of alcohol and carburetor heat, and the richening of fuel mixture, were applied but were not successful and the backfiring continued. The captain and the flight engineer discussed the malfunctioning following which No 1 engine was feathered at a point about 25 miles southwest of Nashville at approximately 0300, however, the feathering was not reported to the company until 0429, where the flight was in the vicinity of Altheimer, Ark, a routine position reporting point about 125 miles beyond Memphis At that time, the crew advised a change of aircraft on arrival at Dallas. When 15 miles northeast of Dallas, at 0536, the flight was given permission to enter the traffic pattern at Love Field, Dallas, with a right-hand turn and instructed to land on Runway 36 The altimeter setting of 29 83 inches and the weather, which included unlimited ceiling, a visibility of 15 miles and a north-northeast wind of 5 mph, were given the flight The captain and the flight engineer conferred regarding returning No 1 engine to service and decided against doing so. The crew then went through the pre-landing cheek The landing lights were turned or and the Plans were lowered to the 20 degree position. The flight turned -flight to final approach when approximately over the Range Station which is 2 2 miles south of the approach end of Runway 36 At this time its altitude was estimated to be 1200 feet AFL 2 by the captain and 800 feet AFL by the first officer At a distance of about 1 1/2 miles from the approach end of the runway, the landing gear was extended. Shortly thereafter the flaps were extended fully, the turn to final placed be aircraft to the left of the runway Accordingly an "S" turn was made to correct the misalignment During this "S" turn the aircraft skidded to Its left, the air speed dropped abruptly and the aircraft settled rapidly. At this point the captain increased power to engines Nos. 2, 3 and 4 in an attempt to maintain control. Control tower operators watching the approach estimated that the aircraft cleared by 75 to 100 feet obstruction lights mounted on 30-foot poles on a power line located 800 feet south of the approach end of the runway. The aircraft continued in a generally northwest direction, across the airport on a heading about 40 degrees to the left of Runway 36, in a tail low attitude. Its air speed continued to fall, its attitude became increasingly nose-high. and a stall developed just prior to striking a hangar and other buildings on the northwest side of the airport. Both pilots and 26 passengers were killed.
Probable cause:
It was determined that the accident was caused by a faulty execution of an engine-out approach on part of the crew.
The following findings were noted:
- The captain failed to align the aircraft with the runway centerline after the final turn,
- After realizing the misalignment, the captain attempted to correct it with a risky "S"-turn at low altitude. There is little room for error if a problem arises during this maneuver because as the angle of the bank increases, so does the probability of stalling the airplane,
- The crew made no attempt to balance the airplane’s fuel load after the No. 1 engine failed. The DC-6 is equipped with four main fuel tanks that serve individual engines, while a network of valves allow fuel to be transferred from one engine’s tank to feed other engines. The crew did not cross feed fuel from the tank serving the failed engine to balance the plane's weight as recommended in the flight operations manual. Flight 157 had flown for almost three hours with the No. 1 engine out, and the CAB concluded that the No. 1 main fuel tank was holding about 1,400 lbs (635 kg) more gasoline than the other three main tanks when the plane arrived at Love Field. The investigators primarily attributed the left wing’s sharp drop to the excessive weight of the fuel at its outboard end,
- The captain applied excessive rudder during the “S”-turn, causing a condition known in aviation terminology as a skid. This maneuver would have caused the plane’s airspeed to drop, and according to the CAB findings, it caused the fuel in the No. 4 main tank to slosh away from the fuel outlet, lowering the engine’s fuel pressure,
- The captain’s application of full throttle to both right-hand engines caused to airplane to turn further to the left due to the relative lack of thrust from the single functioning left-hand engine. This exacerbated his loss of directional control,
- The first officer disobeyed the captain’s order to raise the wing flaps, and did not tell the captain,
- The first officer misinterpreted the No. 4 engine’s fuel pressure drop as a sign of incipient engine failure and feathered the prop. However, the CAB partially exonerated Lewis for this act, concluding that the craft was so close to the ground at that point that his mistake probably had little influence on the final outcome,
- Excessive elevator input by the captain caused the aircraft to stall.
The CAB concluded that the accident could have been avoided if the crew had held the plane straight and level when the misalignment was first noticed, then raised the flaps, climbed to a safe altitude, circled the airport, and attempted another landing. The CAB concluded that there were no factors present that would compel the crew to land immediately despite the sloppy approach, such as rapidly deteriorating weather or a shortage of fuel.
Final Report: