Rank Name Image Fatalities
5801 Texas Pipe Line Company 1
5802 West Australian Airways 1
5803 Western N.S.W. Airlines 1
5804 William J. Weatherspoon 1
5805 Água Limpa Transportes 1
5806 ASPA - Aspersiones Antes 1
5807 Aerial Transport Company 1
5808 Alaska Sportsman's Lodge 1
5809 Cheyenne Sales & Leasing 1
5810 Conroe Aviation Services 1
5811 Edward William Lancaster 1
5812 Eureka Operating Company 1
5813 Evergreen Air of Montana 1
5814 Gilbert Storey Machinery 1
5815 Isle of Man Air Services 1
5816 KMA Technology Solutions 1
5817 Lineas Aéreas Covitrans 1
5818 Patrick Geoffrey T. Rodd 1
5819 Redding Aero Enterprises 1
5820 Setimio de Oliveira Sala 1
5821 Shelter Charter Services 1
5822 Spitfire Sales & Leasing 1
5823 W. J. Medical Consulting 1
5824 William J. Whitehurst II 1
5825 Asia Continental Airlines 1
5826 Big Pine Trucking Company 1
5827 Business Aircraft Leasing 1
5828 Care Flight International 1
5829 Chamberlin Flying Service 1
5830 Classic Solutions Company 1
5831 Cologne Commercial Flight 1
5832 Delwood Furniture Company 1
5833 Devonshire Aviation Tours 1
5834 Dick Sawyer International 1
5835 Diversified Drilling Muds 1
5836 Eastern Caribbean Airways 1
5837 Ford Motor Credit Company 1
5838 Group Lotus Car Companies 1
5839 Intercontinental Aviation 1
5840 International Air Freight 1
5841 Isle of Wight Flying Club 1
5842 Legal Air Flight Services 1
5843 Mid South Flying Services 1
5844 Paradise Air - Costa Rica 1
5845 Paul S. Soule Enterprises 1
5846 Perelle Aviation Services 1
5847 Queen City Flying Service 1
5848 Royal Victorian Aero Club 1
5849 Stilwell Aircraft Service 1
5850 TASSA Transportes Aéreos 1
5851 The Insurance Flying Club 1
5852 Transcontinental Aviation 1
5853 Vanderpool Flying Service 1
5854 AMSA - Aerolineas Mundo SA 1
5855 Atlas Plastics Corporation 1
5856 Aviation & Services Europe 1
5857 Aviation Development Group 1
5858 Cardiff & Peacock Airlines 1
5859 Corus Hardware Corporation 1
5860 Deutsche Sportflieger Klub 1
5861 Executive Aircraft Leasing 1
5862 George E. Harris & Company 1
5863 Gravesend School of Flying 1
5864 Herbert John Louis Hinkler 1
5865 Hollinger Ungava Transport 1
5866 Lawlor Service Corporation 1
5867 Marjorie Hazeldene Stevens 1
5868 Preferred Interest Leasing 1
5869 R.D. Marcotte & Associates 1
5870 Ralph Lowry Aircraft Sales 1
5871 Saint Proteus Air Système 1
5872 Skydive Center Gap-Tallard 1
5873 Southern Counties Aviation 1
5874 Sunshine Coast Air Charter 1
5875 Thunderbirds International 1
5876 Vivian Industrial Plastics 1
5877 Western Commander Aviation 1
5878 Birchwood Aircraft Services 1
5879 Brooklands School of Flying 1
5880 Electric Power Construção 1
5881 Ernst Rüdiger Voggenreiter 1
5882 General Communications Inc. 1
5883 Gulf Transportation Company 1
5884 Jorge Alberto Rodas Estrada 1
5885 Lloyd-Luftverkehr Sablatnig 1
5886 Logan Investments of Nevada 1
5887 McCall-Hanrahan Air Service 1
5888 Norfolk & Norwich Aero Club 1
5889 Northcutt Chevrolet Company 1
5890 Royal Singapore Flying Club 1
5891 Springfield Flight Services 1
5892 Stapleford Tawney Air Taxis 1
5893 Trans Oceanic Airways - TOA 1
5894 West Coast United Aero Club 1
5895 Yarrow Aircraft Corporation 1
5896 Aircraft Charter and Leasing 1
5897 Aircraft Sales International 1
5898 Armstrong-Whitworth Aircraft 1
5899 British World Airlines - BWA 1
5900 Canadian Aerial Explorations 1