Crash of a Piper PA-31-350 Navajo Chieftain in Langgur: 4 killed

Date & Time: Jan 19, 2014 at 1225 LT
Flight Type:
Jayapura – Langgur – Kendari – Surabaya
Crew on board:
Crew fatalities:
Pax on board:
Pax fatalities:
Other fatalities:
Total fatalities:
Captain / Total flying hours:
Captain / Total hours on type:
Aircraft flight hours:
On 19 January 2014, a PA-31-350 Piper Chieftain, registered PK-IWT, was being operated by PT. Intan Angkasa Air Service, on positioning flight from Sentani Airport, Jayapura with intended destination of Juanda Airport, Surabaya for aircraft maintenance. The positioning flight was planned to transit at Dumatubun Airport Langgur of Tual, Maluku and Haluoleo Airport, Kendari at South East Sulawesi for refuelling. On the first sector, the aircraft departed Sentani Airport at 2351 UTC (0851 WIT) and estimated arrival at Langgur was 0320 UTC. On board on this flight was one pilot, two company engineers and one ground staff. At 0240 UTC the pilot contacted to the Langgur FISO, reported that the aircraft position was 85 Nm to Langgur Airport at altitude 10,000 feet and requested weather information. Langgur FISO acknowledged and informed that the weather was rain and thunderstorm and the runway in used was 09. When the aircraft passing 5,000 feet, the pilot contacted the Langgur FISO and reported that the aircraft position was 50 Nm from langgur and informed the estimated time of arrival was 0320 UTC. The Langgur FISO acknowledged and advised the pilot to contact when the aircraft was at long final runway 09. At 0318 UTC, the pilot contacted Langgur FISO, reported the position was 25 Nm to Langgur at altitude of 2,500 feet and requested to use runway 27. The Langgur FISO advised the pilot to contact on final runway 27. At 0325 UTC, Langgur FISO contacted the pilot with no reply. At 0340 UTC, Langgur FISO received information from local people that the aircraft had crashed. The aircraft was found at approximately 1.6 Nm north east of Langgur Airport at coordinate 5° 38’ 30.40” S; 132° 45’ 21.57” E. All occupants fatally injured and the aircraft destroyed by impact force and post impact fire. The aircraft was destroyed by impact forces and post impact fire, several parts of the remaining wreckage such as cockpit could not be examined due to the level of damage. The aircraft was not equipped with flight recorders and the communication between ATC and the pilot was not recorded. No eye witness saw the aircraft prior to impact. Information available for the investigation was limited. The analysis utilizes available information mainly on the wreckage information including the information of the wings, engines and propellers.
Probable cause:
The investigation concluded that the left engine most likely failed during approach and the propeller did not set to feather resulted in significant asymmetric forces. The asymmetric forces created yaw and roll tendency and the aircraft became uncontrolled, subsequently led the aircraft to impact to the terrain.
Final Report:

Crash of a Beechcraft B200 Super King Air in Akureyri: 2 killed

Date & Time: Aug 5, 2013 at 1329 LT
Flight Type:
Reykjavik - Akureyri
Crew on board:
Crew fatalities:
Pax on board:
Pax fatalities:
Other fatalities:
Total fatalities:
Captain / Total flying hours:
Captain / Total hours on type:
Copilot / Total flying hours:
Copilot / Total hours on type:
Aircraft flight hours:
Aircraft flight cycles:
On 4th of August 2013 the air ambulance operator Mýflug, received a request for an ambulance flight from Höfn (BIHN) to Reykjavík Airport (BIRK). This was a F4 priority request and the operator, in co-operation with the emergency services, planned the flight the next morning. The plan was for the flight crew and the paramedic to meet at the airport at 09:30 AM on the 5th of August. A flight plan was filed from Akureyri (BIAR) to BIHN (positioning flight), then from BIHN to BIRK (ambulance flight) and from BIRK back to BIAR (positioning flight). The planned departure from BIAR was at 10:20. The flight crew consisted of a commander and a co-pilot. In addition to the flight crew was a paramedic, who was listed as a passenger. Around 09:50 on the 5th of August, the flight crew and the paramedic met at the operator’s home base at BIAR. The flight crew prepared the flight and performed a standard pre-flight inspection. There were no findings to the aircraft during the pre-flight inspection. The pre-flight inspection was finished at approximately 10:10. The departure from BIAR was at 10:21 and the flight to BIHN was uneventful. The aircraft landed at BIHN at 11:01. The commander was the pilot flying from BIAR to BIHN. The operator’s common procedure is that the commander and the co-pilot switch every other flight, as the pilot flying. The co-pilot was the pilot flying from BIHN to BIRK and the commander was the pilot flying from BIRK to BIAR, i.e. during the accident flight. The aircraft departed BIHN at 11:18, for the ambulance flight and landed at BIRK at 12:12. At BIRK the aircraft was refueled and departed at 12:44. According to flight radar, the flight from BIRK to BIAR was flown at FL 170. Figure 4 shows the radar track of the aircraft as recorded by Reykjavík Control. There is no radar coverage by Reykjavík Control below 5000 feet, in the area around BIAR. During cruise, the flight crew discussed the commander’s wish to deviate from the planned route to BIAR, in order to fly over a racetrack area near the airport. At the racetrack, a race was about to start at that time. The commander had planned to visit the racetrack area after landing. The aircraft approached BIAR from the south and at 10.5 DME the flight crew cancelled IFR. When passing KN locator (KRISTNES), see Figure 6, the flight crew made a request to BIAR tower to overfly the town of Akureyri, before landing. The request was approved by the tower and the flight crew was informed that a Fokker 50 was ready for departure on RWY 01. The flight crew of TF-MYX responded and informed that they would keep west of the airfield. After passing KN, the altitude was approximately 800’ (MSL), according to the co-pilot’s statement. The co-pilot mentioned to the commander that they were a bit low and recommended a higher altitude. The altitude was then momentarily increased to 1000’. When approaching the racetrack area, the aircraft entered a steep left turn. During the turn, the altitude dropped until the aircraft hit the racetrack.
Probable cause:
The commander was familiar with the racetrack where a race event was going on and he wanted to perform a flyby over the area. The flyby was made at a low altitude. When approaching the racetrack area, the aircraft’s calculated track indicated that the commander’s intention of the flyby was to line up with the racetrack. In order to do that, the commander turned the aircraft to such a bank angle that it was not possible for the aircraft to maintain altitude. The ITSB believes that during the turn, the commander most probably pulled back on the controls instead of levelling the wings. This caused the aircraft to enter a spiral down and increased the loss of altitude. The investigation revealed that the manoeuvre was insufficiently planned and outside the scope of the operator manuals and handbooks. The low-pass was made at such a low altitude and steep bank that a correction was not possible in due time and the aircraft collided with the racetrack. The ITSB believes that human factor played a major role in this accident. Inadequate collaboration and planning of the flyover amongst the flight crew indicates a failure of CRM. This made the flight crew less able to make timely corrections. The commander’s focus was most likely on lining up with the racetrack, resulting in misjudging the approach for the low pass and performing an overly steep turn. The overly steep turn caused the aircraft to lose altitude and collide with the ground. The co-pilot was unable to effectively monitor the flyover/low-pass and react because of failure in CRM i.e. insufficient planning and communication. A contributing factor is considered to be that the flight path of the aircraft was made further west of the airfield, due to traffic, resulting in a steeper turn. The investigation revealed that flight crews were known to deviate occasionally from flight plans.
Causal factors:
- A breakdown in CRM occurred.
- A steep bank angle was needed to line up with the racetrack.
- The discussed flyby was executed as a low pass.
- The maximum calculated bank angle during last phase of flight was 72.9°, which is outside the aircraft manoeuvring limit.
- ITSB believes that the commander’s focus on a flyby that he had not planned thoroughly resulted in a low-pass with a steep bank, causing the aircraft to lose altitude and collide with the ground.
Contributory factors:
- The commander’s attention to the activity at the race club area, and his association with the club was most probably a source of distraction for him and most likely motivated him to execute an unsafe maneuver.
- Deviations from normal procedures were seen to be acceptable by some flight crews.
- A flyby was discussed between the pilots but not planned in details.
- The flight crew reacted to the departing traffic from BIAR by bringing their flight path further west of the airport.
- The approach to the low pass was misjudged.
- The steep turn was most probably made due to the commander’s intention to line up with the race track.
Final Report:

Crash of a Partenavia P.68 Observer in the Dzalanyama Forest Reserve

Date & Time: Jul 16, 2013 at 0900 LT
Type of aircraft:
Flight Phase:
Flight Type:
Tete – Lilongwe – Dar es-Salaam
Crew on board:
Crew fatalities:
Pax on board:
Pax fatalities:
Other fatalities:
Total fatalities:
The twin engine aircraft departed South Africa on a flight to Tanzania with intermediate stops in Tete and Lilongwe, carrying one passenger and one pilot. The aircraft was en route to Dar es-Salaam to perform a Lidar (Laser Imaging Detection And Ranging) mission. En route, the pilot encountered engine problems and elected to make an emergency landing. Upon landing in an open field, the aircraft lost its tail and crashed landed about 45 km southwest of Lilongwe. Both occupants were rescued and the aircraft was destroyed.

Crash of a Beechcraft 1900C-1 off São Tomé: 1 killed

Date & Time: Apr 7, 2013 at 1613 LT
Type of aircraft:
Flight Type:
Johannesburg – Ondangwa – São Tomé – Accra – Bamako
Crew on board:
Crew fatalities:
Pax on board:
Pax fatalities:
Other fatalities:
Total fatalities:
Captain / Total flying hours:
Aircraft flight hours:
Aircraft flight cycles:
The aircraft was planned to fly from Lanseria airport (FALA) in Republic of South Africa to Bamako airport (GABS) in Mali with a stopover in Ondangwa airport (FYOA) in Namibia, São Tomé International airport (FPST) in São Tomé and Príncipe and Accra airport (DGAA) in Ghana, with a rough estimating time of approximately 15hrs flying, not including the ground time at airports of stopover. The aircraft had been in Lanseria airport (FALA) in Republic of South Africa (RSA) for maintenance check (including but not limited to engine work and interior refurbishing). Prior to the planned flight, the aircraft underwent flight check for 45 minutes after completed planned maintenance on Saturday, April 6th, flown by the Captain and another SAS company pilot. The aircraft departed FALA to FYOA for its first stop over whose flight time was 03:35h. The planned departure from FYOA was delayed due to trouble in starting the right engine. The aircraft took off at 1021hrs contrary to planned 0830hrs. For the second leg of the flight, the aircraft departed FYOA to FPST with filed flight plan of 05 hours and 20 minutes (flight time) having FYOA as alternate. Leaving the Namibian airspace the pilot only contacted Luanda ATC and São Tomé Tower as destination, and at no time did he contact Brazzaville or Libreville for any further clearance within Brazzaville FIR: It is important to emphasize that on that day, the west coast of Africa in the vicinity of Gulf of Guinea had widespread moderate to severe thunderstorm activity with lighting and heavy rain. When initiating descent to São Tomé from FL 200 to 4000 feet as instructed by São Tomé ATC, the pilot was advised that weather was gradually deteriorating at airport vicinity. At 1610hrs the pilot had last transmission with Control Tower informing them about his position which was 9 nm inbound to São Tomé VOR at 4000 feet and also informed the ATC that he was encountering heavy rain. Having lost contact with aircraft at 1613hrs, the São Tomé ATC tried several times to contact the airplane by VHF118.9, 127.5, 121.5 and HF 8903 without success. Facing this situation the ATC sent messages to FIRs of Brazzaville and Accra and Libreville Control as well, some airlines flying within São Tomean an adjacent airspace were contacted for any information but all responses were negative. A Search and Rescue operation started on 7 April 2013 the same day the accident occurred and was conducted on the sea and on the island; no trace of aircraft or its debris, pilot or any cargo were found. The search was terminated on 20 April at 1730hrs.
Probable cause:
By the fact that there is no evidence of the crash, the cause of the accident cannot be conclusively decided, however the investigation discovered series of discrepancies and noncompliance which includes:
- Planned long flight as solo pilot from Lanseria to Bamako is excessive for pilot fatigue perspective (over 15 hours flying).
- The First Class FAA (USA) medical Certificate issued on April 23rd 2012 had expired on October 31st 2012.
Meteorological Conditions:
- Adverse weather conditions enroute and on arrival on that day, the west coast of Africa in the vicinity of Gulf of Guinea had widespread moderate to severe thunderstorm activity with lighting and heavy rain. When initiating descent to Sao Tome, the pilot was advised that weather was gradually deteriorating at airport vicinity.
Final Report:

Crash of a Grumman G-159 Gulfstream I in Djolu

Date & Time: Mar 22, 2013 at 1330 LT
Type of aircraft:
Flight Phase:
Flight Type:
Djolu – Kinshasa
Crew on board:
Crew fatalities:
Pax on board:
Pax fatalities:
Other fatalities:
Total fatalities:
Captain / Total flying hours:
Captain / Total hours on type:
Copilot / Total flying hours:
Copilot / Total hours on type:
Aircraft flight hours:
Aircraft flight cycles:
Last March 12, the aircraft sustained damages upon landing at Djolu Airport. Repairs were carried on and the aircraft was ready for its back trip to Kinshasa on March 22, carrying three crew members, two pilots and one mechanic. After the brakes were released, while accelerating on a dirt runway, the aircraft veered off runway, contacted trees and crashed in a wooded area, bursting into flames. All three crew members evacuated the burned wreckage and only the mechanic was injured. The aircraft was totally destroyed.
Probable cause:
Loss of control during the takeoff roll due to the poor condition of the runway.
Final Report:

Crash of a Tupolev TU-204-100V in Moscow: 5 killed

Date & Time: Dec 29, 2012 at 1633 LT
Type of aircraft:
Flight Type:
Pardubice - Moscow
Flight number:
Crew on board:
Crew fatalities:
Pax on board:
Pax fatalities:
Other fatalities:
Total fatalities:
Captain / Total flying hours:
Captain / Total hours on type:
Copilot / Total flying hours:
Copilot / Total hours on type:
Aircraft flight hours:
Aircraft flight cycles:
Approach was carried out on the runway 19 at Vnukovo Airport with length of 3060m. Pilot was performed by pilot in command (PIC). Before entering the glide path the aircraft was in landing configuration: with flaps deployed at 37°, slats - at 23 °, and the landing gear down. Decision height was calculated to be 60 m. Landing weight of the aircraft was approximately 67.5 tons, alignment ~26.5%, which did not exceed the limits specified by the flight operation manual (FOM). During flight preparation PIC determined the landing glide path speed as 210 km/h, and specified that the speed at least 230 km/h has to be maintained. Glideslope descent was made in director mode with automatic throttle disabled with an average instrument speed about 255 km/h vertical speed -3…-5 m/s. Descent was performed without significant deviations from the glide path. Flyby of the of the neighboring (to the runway) homing radio beacon was performed at the altitude 65…70 m. Runway threshold was passed at the altitude about 15 m and airspeed of 260 km/h. 5 seconds after the throttle control lever had been switched to the idle mode the aircraft landed at the speed about 230 km/h, distance from the runway threshold of 900-1000 m and left bank of 1... 1.5°, provided that the signal of the signal of left gear strut compression was produced. During aircraft landing the right side wind gust reached up to ~11.5 m/s. The maximum value of the vertical acceleration during touch down was recorded as 1.12g according to flight recorders (hereinafter - magnetic tape recorder). About 10 seconds had passed from the moment of passing 4 m height above ground and touchdown. 3 seconds after landing nose gear strut was compressed. At this stage the right gear strut compression signal had not yet been formed. Almost simultaneously with nose landing gear touchdown the crew moved thrust reverser lever in one motion to the "maximum reverse" position and applied mechanical brakes. Actuation of the reverse valves didn't occur. Air brakes and spoilers were not also activated automatically and the crew didn't make attempt to activate them manually. After thrust levers were moved to the "maximum reverse" position an increase of forward thrust (up to ~90% Nvd) was recorded with both engines. The pressure in the hydraulic system of wheel brakes of the left (compressed) landing gear was up to 50 kgf/сm², whereas there were no pressure in the wheel brakes of the right (not compressed) landing gear. The minimum airspeed to to which the aircraft slowed 7-8 seconds after landing was 200-205 km/h at ~0° pitch and roll of 1° to the left, after that the speed began to increase. 2 seconds after thrust levers were moved to the "maximum reverse" position the flight engineer reported that reversers had not been deployed. Thrust lever had been maintained in the "maximum reverse" position for about 8 seconds and was switched off after that. During this time the airspeed increased to 240 km/h. The increase in airspeed led to further unloading of the main landing gear. With fluctuations in roll (from 4.5° to the left to 2.6° to the right) compression was produced alternately on the left and right landing gear struts. Almost simultaneously sith the reversers being switched off the brake pedal was pushed by left-hand-seat pilot to 60°. As before the breaking was inefficient - hydraulic pressure in the wheel brake in only applied after sufficient compression of the gear strut. 5 seconds after reversers were deactivated, after words of the flight engineer "Turn on reverse! Reverse!" the control was moved to the "maximum reverse" position again. As in the first attempt the deployment of reversers didn't occur, both engines started to produce direct thrust (at Nvd ~ 84%). Aircraft braking didn't occur, airspeed was 230…240 km/h. In 4 seconds the reverse was switched off. At the moment of reverser reactivation the aircraft was at the distance of about 900...1000 m from the exit threshold. 6 seconds after reversers switch off the crew attempted to supply automatic braking as evidenced by the crew conversation and transient appearance of commands: "Automatic braking on" for the primary and backup subsystems. When the aircraft passed the exit threshold thrust levers were in the "small-reverse" position. The aircraft overrun occurred 32 seconds after landing, being almost on the axis of the runway, with an airspeed of about 215 km/h. In the process of overrun flight engineer by PIC command turned off the engines by means of emergency brakes. The aircraft continued to roll outside the runway slowly due to road bumps and snow cover. The compression on both landing gear struts occurred which led to activation of air brakes and spoilers. The aircraft collided with the slope of a ravine at the ground speed of about 190 km/h. Four stewardess were seriously injured while four other crew members were killed. The following day, one of the survivor died from her injuries.
Probable cause:
The accident with Тu-204-100В RA-64047 aircraft was caused by actuator maladjustment and reverse locking of both engines and incorrect crew actions (not complying with FOM provisions) performing landing run during spoilers and thrust reverse control that resulted in lack of efficient aircraft breaking action, RWY overrun, collision with obstacles at a high speed (~190 km/h), aircraft destruction and fatalities. (In accordance with the ICAO Accident and Incident Investigation Manual (DOC 9756 AN/965), causes and factors are in logical order, without the priority assessment).
Contributing factors to the fatal accident were:
- Actual structure stiffness of reverse control and locking mechanism unaccounted in operational documentation determining the engine control system inspection and adjustment procedure during its service replacement. This factor can emerge only in case of the crew thrust reverse control with violation of FOM provisions;
- Incoordination and conflicts in aircraft and engine operational and technical documentation and long-term formalism towards inspections of the engine control system adjustment (including reverse control and locking mechanism) by organisations performing engines replacement that didn't allow to ensure feedback with aircraft and engine designers and timely eliminate identified deficiencies;
- Unstabilized approach and significant (up to 45 km/h) rated overspeed during glide slope phase by the crew that resulted in long holding before landing, significant landing distance extension and aircraft overshoot landing (~950 m);
- Non-extension of spoilers and speed breaks in automatic mode due to the lack of the signal of simultaneous left and right struts compression caused by aircraft anticipatory "soft" landing (plunge acceleration 1.12g) at left main gear at right cross wind saturation (~11.5 м/с);
- Lack of crew monitoring for automatic extension of spoilers and speed brakes after landing and manual non-extension of spoilers;
- Violation of thrust reverse landing procedure be crew specified by FOM resulted in application of maximum thrust reverse by "one motion" without throttle intermediate stop setting (low reverse) and without reverse buckets position (stowage) monitoring that under deficiencies of the reverse control and locking mechanism resulted in immediate thrust increase;
- Lack of simultaneous main landing gear compression during the RWY motion due to design features of limit switches (no failures of limit switches were identified) of main landing gears compressed position (~5.5 tonnes leg load is required for switch actuation) and non compliance with the FOM on spoilers extension in manual mode that resulted in reverser buckets non-stowage into reversal thrust mode;
- Inadequate cockpit resource management by the PIC during flight that resulted in lack of monitoring for stabilized approach at the approach phase and in "fixation" at reverser deployment operation at the lack of monitoring for other systems operation;
- Untimely preventive measures during the investigation of the serious incident with Tu-204-100V RA-64049 aircraft operated by "Red Wings" Airlines occurred in Tolmachevo airport on December 20, 2012;
- Inadequate level of flight operation management and nonoperation of flight safety control system in the airline and formal attitude of the pilot-instructor towards proficiency check of the PIC and the lack of the appropriate supervision over proficiency checks and flight operations using flight recorders that didn't allow to timely identify and eliminate regular deficiencies in PIC's piloting technique regarding increased speed holding during glide-slope flight and the procedure of using reverse thrust application at landing run operation as well. Supervision over proficiency checks specified by FAR-128 (clause 5.7) wasn't held;
- Lack of actions training in situations connected with failure of main landing gears limit switches in line proficiency check programs of crew members followed by non-extension of spoilers and speed breaks in manual mode. Technical abilities of the available simulators don't allow to train this situation.
Final Report:

Crash of a Cessna 402B in Rome: 2 killed

Date & Time: Sep 7, 2012 at 1300 LT
Type of aircraft:
Flight Phase:
Flight Type:
Rome - Brescia
Crew on board:
Crew fatalities:
Pax on board:
Pax fatalities:
Other fatalities:
Total fatalities:
Shortly after takeoff from Rome-Ciampino Airport, while in initial climb, the twin engine aircraft went out of control and crashed in a car demolition, bursting into flames. The aircraft was totally destroyed by impact forces and a post impact fire as well as more than 30 cars. Both crew were killed.

Crash of a Cessna 500 Citation I in Santiago de Compostela: 2 killed

Date & Time: Aug 2, 2012 at 0618 LT
Type of aircraft:
Flight Type:
Oviedo - Santiago de Compostella
Crew on board:
Crew fatalities:
Pax on board:
Pax fatalities:
Other fatalities:
Total fatalities:
Captain / Total flying hours:
Captain / Total hours on type:
Copilot / Total flying hours:
Copilot / Total hours on type:
Aircraft flight hours:
Based on the information available, at 20:40 the ONT (National Transplant Organization) informed the Santiago Airport (LEST) that they were going to make a “hospital flight”. The aircraft was refueled at the Santiago Airport with 1062 liters of fuel. According to communications, the crew of aircraft EC-IBA contacted the Santiago tower at 21:46 to request permission to start up and information on the weather and the runway in use at Asturias. At 21:54 they were cleared to take off. According to the airport operations office, the aircraft landed in Asturias (LEAS) at 22:27. The hospital flight service commenced at 22:15. The RFFS accompanied the ambulance to the aircraft at 22:30 and at 22:44 the aircraft took off en route to Porto. The aircraft was transferred from Madrid control to Santiago approach at 22:52 at flight level 200 and cleared straight to Porto (LPPR). Based on the information provided by Porto Airport, the aircraft landed at 23:40. While waiting for the medical team to return, the crew remained in the airport’s facilities. According to some of the personnel there, the crew made some comments regarding the bad weather. There was fog, especially on the arrival route. At 01:34 and again at 02:01 the crew was supplied with the flight plan information, information from the ARO-LPPR office and updated weather data. The aircraft was refueled at the Porto Airport with 1,000 l of fuel and took off at 02:34. At 02:44 the aircraft contacted approach control at Santiago to report its position. Four minutes later the crew contacted the Santiago tower directly to ask about the weather conditions at the field (see Appendix C). The aircraft landed once more in Asturias at 03:28. At 03:26 the RFFS was again activated to escort the ambulance to the aircraft. The service was deactivated at 04:00. The crew requested updated weather information from the tower, which provided the information from the 03:00 METAR. According to the flight plan filed, the estimated off-block time (EOBT) for departing from the Asturias Airport was 03:45, with an estimated flight time to Santiago of 40 minutes. The alternate destination airport was Vitoria (LEVT). The aircraft took off from Asturias at 03:38. At 03:56 the crew established contact with Santiago approach control, which provided the crew with the latest METAR from 03:30, which informed that the runway in use was 17, winds were calm, visibility was 4,000 m with mist, few clouds at 600 ft, temperature and dew point of 13° and QNH of 1,019. The aircraft was then cleared to conduct an ILS approach to runway 17 at the Santiago Airport. At 04:15 the crew contacted the tower controller, who reported calm winds and cleared them to land on runway 17. At 04:18 the COSPAS-SARSAT system detected the activation of an ELT. The system estimated the position for the beacon as being in the vicinity of the LEST airport. At 04:38 the tower controller informed airport operations of a call he had received from SAR that a beacon was active in the vicinity of the airport, and requested that a marshaller go to the airport where the airplane normally parked to see if it was there. At 04:44 the marshaller confirmed that the aircraft was not in its hangar and the emergency procedure was activated, with the various parties involved in the search for the airplane being notified. At 05:10 the control tower called the airport to initiate the preliminary phase (Phase I) before activating the LVP. At 05:15 the RFFS reported that the aircraft had been found in the vicinity of the VOR. At 05:30 the LVP was initiated (Phase II). At 07:51 the LVP was terminated. The last flight to arrive at the Santiago Airport before the accident had landed at 23:33, and the next flight to arrive following the accident landed at 05:25.
Probable cause:
The ultimate cause of the accident could not be determined. In light of the hypothesis considered in the analysis, the most likely scenario is that the crew made a non-standard precision approach in manual based primarily on distances. The ILS frequency set incorrectly in the first officer’s equipment and the faulty position indicated on the DME switch would have resulted in the distance being shown on the captain’s HSI as corresponding to the VOR and not to the runway threshold. The crew shortened the approach maneuver and proceeded to a point by which the aircraft should already have been established on the localizer, thus increasing the crew’s workload. The crew then probably lost visual contact with the ground when the aircraft entered a fog bank in the valleys near the airport and did not realize they were making an approach to the VOR and not to the runway.
The contributing factors were:
- The lack of operational procedures of an aircraft authorized to be operated by a single pilot operated by a crew with two members.
- The overall condition of the aircraft and the instruments and the crew’s mistrust of the onboard instruments.
- The fatigue built up over the course of working at a time when they should have been sleeping after an unplanned duty period.
- The concern with having to divert to the alternate without sufficient fuel combined with the complacency arising from finally reaching their destination.
Final Report:

Crash of a Beechcraft C90GT King Air in Morgantown: 1 killed

Date & Time: Jun 22, 2012 at 1001 LT
Type of aircraft:
Flight Type:
Tidioute - Farmington - Morgantown
Crew on board:
Crew fatalities:
Pax on board:
Pax fatalities:
Other fatalities:
Total fatalities:
Captain / Total flying hours:
Aircraft flight hours:
The airplane, operated by Oz Gas Aviation LLC, was substantially damaged when it struck a communications tower near Morgantown, West Virginia. The certificated airline transport pilot was fatally injured. No flight plan had been filed for the positioning flight from Nemacolin Airport (PA88), Farmington, Pennsylvania, to Morgantown Municipal Airport (MGW), Morgantown, West Virginia conducted under Title14 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 91. At 0924 on the morning of the accident, the airplane departed from Rigrtona Airport (13PA), Tidioute, Pennsylvania for PA88 with the pilot and three passengers onboard. The airplane landed on runway 23 at PA88 at 0944. The pilot then parked the airplane; shutdown both engines, and deplaned the three passengers. He advised them that he would be back on the following day to pick them up. After the passengers got on a shuttle bus for the Nemacolin Woodlands Resort, the pilot started the engines. He idled for approximately 2 minutes, and then back taxied on runway 23 for takeoff. At 0957, he departed from runway 23 for the approximately 19 nautical mile positioning flight to MGW, where he was going to refuel and spend the night. After departure from PA88, the airplane climbed to 3,100 feet above mean sea level (msl) on an approximately direct heading for MGW. The pilot then contacted Clarksburg Approach Control and was given a discrete code of 0130. When the airplane was approximately nine miles east of the Morgantown airport, the air traffic controller advised the pilot that he had "radar contact" with him. The airplane then descended to 3,000 feet, and approximately one minute later struck the communications tower on an approximate magnetic heading of 240 degrees. According to a witness who was cutting timber across the road from where the accident occurred; the weather was cloudy with lighting and thunder, and it had just started "sprinkling". He then heard a loud "bang", turned, and observed the airplane descending upside down, and then impact. About 20 minutes later it stopped "sprinkling". He advised that he could still see the top of the tower when it was "sprinkling".
Probable cause:
The pilot's inadequate preflight route planning and in-flight route and altitude selection, which resulted in an in-flight collision with a communications tower in possible instrument
meteorological conditions. Contributing to the accident were the pilot's improper use of the enhanced ground proximity warning system's terrain inhibit switch and the air traffic controller's failure to issue a safety alert regarding the proximity of the tower.
Final Report:

Crash of a Cessna 208B Grand Caravan in Barra do Vento

Date & Time: May 23, 2011 at 0750 LT
Type of aircraft:
Flight Phase:
Flight Type:
Barra do Vento – Boa Vista
Crew on board:
Crew fatalities:
Pax on board:
Pax fatalities:
Other fatalities:
Total fatalities:
Captain / Total flying hours:
Captain / Total hours on type:
The pilot, sole on board, departed Barra do Vento Airport on a ferry flight to Boa Vista-Atlas Brasil-Cantanhede Airport, Roraima. Shortly after rotation, he noticed abnormal vibrations. At the same time, the 'door warning' light came ON on the instrument panel. He decided to land back but lost control of the airplane that veered off runway to the right and collided with an earth mound, bursting into flames. The aircraft was totally destroyed by a post crash fire and the pilot was seriously injured.
Probable cause:
It is possible that the pilot applied the flight controls inappropriately when the aircraft returned to the runway, making it impossible to maintain direction. After the 'door warning' light activated, the pilot made the decision to land when, according to the manufacturer, the situation did not require such immediate action but a continuation of the climb. It is possible that the pilot's training was not adequate or sufficient, because after the 'door warning' light came ON and the abnormal vibrations, the pilot carried out a procedure different from the one recommended by the manufacturer, and placed the plane in an irreversible condition.
Final Report: