Is the aircraft the safest way to travel ? What are the preventive actions and procedures we have today in civil aviation ? What about low cost operators ? Who is responsible in case of an accident ? Where is the safety level today ? So many questions are asked when a major crash occurs. You will find in this book 150 FAQ to understand what is an accident and what we can do to improve safety. (240 pages – Available in French only)
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Why aircraft accidents occurs ? On which circumstances ? What are the causes and the consequences ? Is aviation a safe way to travel ? So many questions that people ask. Based on official data and the privileged experience of the author, who is regularly invited on several accident sites to conduct his own analysis, this book brings you to a complex and unknown universe : the aviation accidentology. (250 pages – Available in French only)
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ISince September 2nd, 1998, date of the most terrible plane crash involving a Swiss operator, many declaration, publication and report were published by medias. People and especially the families of the victims were careful about all these information and the investigators did an excellent job. To be objective about this tragic event, this book offers you a chronological index of all facts and elements noted down by the Transportation Safety Board of Canada in cooperation with Swissair. You will also find recommendations published by the investigators, the History of Swissair since its creation in 1931, emergency procedures on MD-11 and all radio transmission between pilots and ATC. (80 pages – Published in French and English – OUT OF PRINT)
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On 800 pages, this book offers a chronology of more than 4,300 accidents since 1918 till 1996. Each event is detailed with also analysis, statistics, graphics, pictures and official results. It shows that most of accidents are due to human factor and half of them occurs on landing or during approach and most of time in the vicinity of an airport. While 1950 was the most secure year, 1996 was one of the most dramatic one. Nevertheless, airplane is considered as one of the safest way to travel and to be a victim of an accident, you should spend more than 1,426 years in an airplane… (800 pages – Available in French only)
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