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Other Spotters
2 - Guernsey
3A - Monaco
3B - Mauritius
3C - Ecuatorial Guinea
3D - Swaziland
3X - Guinea
4K - Azerbaijan
4L - Georgia
4O - Montenegro
4R - Sri Lanka
4W - East Timor
4X - Israel
5A - Libya
5B - Cyprus
5H - Tanzania
5N - Nigeria
5R - Madagascar
5T - Mauritania
5U - Niger
5V - Togo
5W - Samoa
5X - Uganda
5Y - Kenya
6O - Somalia
6V - Senegal
6Y - Jamaica
7O - Yemen
7P - Lesotho
7Q - Malawi
7T - Algeria
8P - Barbados
8Q - Maldivian Islands
8R - Guyana
9A - Croatia
9G - Ghana
9H - Malta
9J - Zambia
9K - Kuwait
9L - Sierra Leone
9M - Malaysia
9N - Nepal
9Q/9S/9T - Democratic Republic of Congo
9U - Burundi
9V - Singapore
9XR - Rwanda
9Y - Trinidad & Tobago
A2 - Botswana
A4O - Oman
A6 - United Arab Emirates
A7 - Qatar
A9C - Bahrain
AP - Pakistan
B - China
B - Taiwan
B-H - Hong Kong
B-M - Macau
C - Canada
C5 - Gambia
C6 - Bahamas
C9 - Mozambique
CC - Chile
CN - Morocco
CP - Bolivia
CS - Portugal
CU - Cuba
CX - Uruguay
D - Germany
D2 - Angola
D4 - Cabo Verde
D6 - Comoros
DDR/DM - East Germany
DQ - Fiji
DU - Dubai
E7 - Bosnia & Herzegovina
EC - Spain
EI/EJ - Ireland
EK - Armenia
EL - Liberia
EP - Iran
ER - Moldavia
ES - Estonia
ET - Ethiopia
EW - Belarus
EX - Kyrgyzstan
EY - Tajikistan
EZ - Turkmenistan
F - France
G - United Kingdom
H4 - Solomon Islands
HA - Hungary
HB - Switzerland
HC - Ecuador
HH - Haiti
HI - Dominican Republic
HK - Colombia
HL - South Korea
HP - Panama
HR - Honduras
HS - Thailand
HZ - Saudi Arabia
I - Italy
J2 - Djibouti
J5 - Guinea Bissau
J6 - Saint Lucia
J8 - Saint Vincent & The Grenadines
JA - Japan
JU - Mongolia
JY - Jordan
LN - Norway
LV - Argentina
LX - Luxembourg
LY - Lithuania
LZ - Bulgaria
M - Isle of Man
OB - Peru
OD - Lebanon
OE - Austria
OH - Finland
OK - Czech Republic
OM - Slovakia
OO - Belgium
OY - Denmark
P - North Korea
P2 - Papua New Guinea
P4 - Aruba
PH - The Netherlands
PJ - The Netherlands Antilles
PK - Indonesia
PP/PR/PS/PT - Brazil
PZ - Surinam
RA - Russia
RDPL - Laos
RP-C - Philippines
S2 - Bangladesh
S5 - Slovenia
S7 - Seychelles
S9 - Sao Tome
SE - Sweden
SP - Poland
ST - Sudan
SU - Egypt
SU-Y - Palestine
SX - Greece
T7 - San Marino
T9 - Bosnia & Herzegovina
TC - Turkey
TF - Iceland
TG - Guatemala
TI - Costa Rica
TJ - Cameroon
TL - Central African Republic
TN - Congo Brazzaville
TR - Gabon
TS - Tunisia
TT - Chad
TU - Ivory Coast
TY - Benin
TZ - Mali
UK - Uzbekistan
UN/UP - Kazakhstan
UR - Ukraine
V2 - Antigua
V3 - Belize
V5 - Namibia
V8 - Brunei
VH - Australia
VN - Vietnam
VP-A - Anguilla
VP-B - Bermuda
VP-C - Cayman Islands
VP-F - Falkland Islands
VP-L - British Virgin Islands
VP-M - Montserrat
VQ-B - Bermuda
VQ-PA - Palestine
VQ-T - Turks & Caicos
VT - India
XA/XB/XC - Mexico
XT - Burkina Faso
XU - Cambodia
XY - Myanmar
YA - Afghanistan
YI - Iraq
YJ - Vanuatu
YK - Syria
YL - Latvia
YN - Nicaragua
YR - Romania
YS - Salvador
YU - Serbia
YV - Venezuela
Z - Zimbabwe
Z3 - Macedonia
Z8 - South Sudan
ZA - Albania
ZK - New Zealand
ZP - Paraguay
ZS/ZU - South Africa
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